Girl problem

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We had walked for about 2 more days or so and it was only getting hotter outside in the smoldering hot sun. My stomach was hurting for some reason but I wasnt sure why. I was slowing down slightly when I tripped over air. 

"You alright love?" Newt asked turning around to help me up.

"Yeh, just tripped over the air ya know." I said. He chuckled. I had gotten up and that's when I felt it. Now I knew why my stomach was hurting. I saw a sand dune about 10 feet away from where the group was.

"I'll be right back, I'll catch up with y'all in a minute." I said to newt and ran over to behind the sand dune. Thank God for that box I found before. 

 I got myself situated, buried the trash in the sand and ran to catch-up to the group.


I ran back and fell into step with newt again. 

"You alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Mhm..I'm fine.." I said wincing at the small stab in my stomach. 

"What wrong?" He asked. 

"Girl stuff." I said with a straight face looking forward. 

"Ah, okay, when we stop for the night I will cuddle you." He said understanding exactly what I meant.

"Really?" I asked smiling up at him.

"Yeh, I mean only if you want to, I figured it'd make you feel better." He said with a shrug.

"Id like that." I said and smiled again. 

  That night he did as he said. After we all ate and it was time to sleep newt opened his arms and I crawled into them. I slept with my back against his chest and he had his arm around my torso laying his hand on my stomach. I slept as well as one girl could that night.

(A/n i- someone needs to take away my wattpad privileges-)

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