Leave it

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(TW⚠️ death, gun, blood (im so sorry))

We woke up the next morning packed up our stuff and started walking again. We walked untill about noon and that's when Winston collapsed.

"Winston?!" I exclaimed turning around. He was on the floor writhing with blood coming out of his mouth a bit. 

"What's happening?" Minho asked confused. 

Winston pulled up his shirt slightly to show his stomach. He had large black gashes with blood oozing out. I was so confused as to how he had gotten these gashes until I remembered. The cranks. 

"Oh no..." I said. "Frypan, Joe grab his arms and help him up."

Fry and Joe had grabbed Winston by his arms and tried to help him up. They had just gotten him standing when he pushed them away and tried to attack Newt. His eyes were dark. I pushed Newt away and then jumped out of the way myself. Winston doubled over and threw up black and red. He then rolled over on the floor and was breathing heavily. 

"Please...leave it with me..." he said panting and lifting his arm. 

"Leave what?" I heard Minho ask kneeling down beside him.

"The gun...." He whispered. "Please..." 

Minho hesitated and looked down for a second. When he looked back up his eyes were shiny. 

"...ok...ok buddy..." he whispered and handed Winston the gun. 

"...thank...you.." Winston coughed out. 

We all left him like he asked and after about 30 minutes of walking we heard a gunshot in the distance.

"Are you alright?" Newt asked grabbing my hand as we slowed down behind the group. 

"Yeh...I'll be alright." I said mustering up the best smile I could.

"It'll be alright." He said and stopped to hug me tight. 

We had kept walking for about 3 days stopping at night for sleep and food. We were all sitting around the campfire, everyone was talking. I was sitting next to newt and listening to everyone. Newt had put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it lightly. 

"Is this okay?" He asked. 

I couldn't speak so I just nodded. I had leaned my head against his shoulder and we sat there just like that for a while. 

"Wait till everyone is asleep then follow me." I whispered into his ear after a while.

He looked at me inquisitively with a doubting and questioning half smile. I just smiled at him and turned back to the group. 

(A/n again I am so very sorry but this just had to happen, please don't hate me for it 🙏🏼😭)

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