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I walk to where the group has been stopped Infront of some random guy. The group was listening to what he was saying. 

"We are going to be checking all of you who say you came from Wicked." He said. I was confused so I pushed through the crowd to where he was. 

"What's going on?" I questioned. 

"Why don't you just go sit and listen little girl." The guy said. He didn't look much older than me but was a whole head taller then me. 

"Uhmm, not the best idea-" I could hear frypan start but I cut him off.

"Little girl?" I asked getting angry and crossing my arms. 

"Yes little girl, go sit and listen." The guy said getting in my face and ignoring frypans warning. I was getting mad. I started to slowly turn around and Minho caught my eye. 

"Jane dont-" Minho said but before he could finish I reared around and kicked the guy where the sun don't shine. 

"How's that for little girl." I said when he crumpled to the ground. 

"And she did it again, oh my gawd." Minho said face palming and sighing. I heard Harriet and Sonya chuckle. 2 other dudes came and picked up the first dude and took him away him still groaning. 

"Alright everyone chill out, you there what's your name?" Another guy with long hair this time said to me. 

"Better question, what's your name?" I retorted.

"Vincent." He said. 

"Jane." I said calming down slightly.

"Well Jane," he started leaning down a bit since he was taller than me. "That was funny as hell." He said with a sudden smile. I smirked. 

"But as Lester there was saying, we have to check all of you who say you're from Wicked." 

"How?" I asked. 

"With this." He said holding up a small white looking gun. Sonya and Harriet also had one.

"Alright you first." He said motioning twords frypan. As they called the names they also said other things I didn't quite catch. Me, Minho, Newt stayed back a little and let the rest of the group go. It didn't seem painful It just looked like they scanned the back of their necks. 

Once the entire group had gone it was only us 3 left. Sonya walked up behind Newt and Vincent behind Minho. Vincent scanned Minho. 

"A7 The leader." He said reading off of the scanner. I looked over to Sonya about to scan Newt. Suddenly everything went dark and a picture started playing behind my eyes. It was sonya and Newt but they seemed younger. Around 5 or so. This time it had sound and lasted slightly longer than other times. 

"Sam!" Sonya yelled. Newt turned around.

"What's up little Lizzy?" Newt said. 

"I said stop calling me little!" Sonya said to him. 

"Well you are little." He said.

"I'm only like, 1 year younger than you, I'm not that little." She said to him

"I'm your big brother I'm allowed to pick on you." He said and with those words ringing in my ears the picture and sound vanished and I came back to my senses. I looked around to see everyone frozen and shook. They were all staring at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You just like spaced out. And your eyes went black." Minho said dumbfounded. 

Everyone nodded and murmured agreements with Minho. 

"W-what..?" I asked now very shook and even more confused. 

"We need to check what your chip says." Vincent said. 

"I- uh- wha-" I started backing up a bit. Newt came over to me and pulled me aside a bit.

"Love, it's alright it doesn't hurt." He said grabbing my hand.

"What if they're Wicked?" I asked hesitantly.

"It's not." He said sure of himself. 

"Promise it doesn't hurt?" I asked after a moment of hesitation.

"Promise." He said with a small smile. 

"What if mine says something bad or wha-" I started but Newt cut me off. 

"It won't say anything bad, and even if it does it won't change anything between us." He said reassuringly.

"What did yours say?" I asked. 

"They didn't read mine, Minho noticed something was wrong with you and so everyone stopped." He said with a shrug. 

"Okay, let's do it." I said after a moment of thinking. 

"Okay, you can do the scan thing or whatever." I said walking back twords them. "But I want to do it at the same time as Newt." 

"Alright are you two ready?" Vincent asked as Harriet came and stood behind me, and Sonya behind Newt. 

"I'm ready." I said blowing out a breath and closing my eyes. We both heard the beep of the scan and then voices at the same time.

"A5 the glue."

"A13 the visioner.."

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now