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I was in some place, I think it was a city. I was very confused as to why I was here. For some reason I was running and Minho was there and newt was there. But newt wasn't himself. He had black stuff coming out of his mouth and his eyes were dark, he had dark colored veins all on his arms. I could tell he was turning into a crank. It made my heart hurt to see him like this. The scene shifted and I saw newt facing away from me. He seemed kinda limp.

"Newt..?" I asked. He had heard me and turned around to see me. 

"Newt..what's..what's happening..?" I asked cautiously. 

He lunged at me with a knife and tried to kill me.

He had successfully tackled me and we rolled around, him trying to kill me and me trying to not be killed. I had grabbed the knife and stopped it from stabbing me. Im not sure what had happened but the next thin I know newt has the knife in his heart and I realize that I did it. I ran to where he was and held him in my arms. 

" please..don't can't leave me..please dont do this..newt no!" I said with tears streaming down my face. With those words he took one last breath and went completely limp in my arms. I had killed him. He was dead. And it was all my fault.

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now