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"What are we going to do?" She asked. 

"Like I said, something stupid." I said swinging my legs over the edge. 

"What? No, wha-" she started. 

"Brenda, kindly shut the fuck up, would you? gawd dayum." I said mumbling the last part and sliding down to where she was. Reaching into my backpack I grabbed the 60 foot rope that I had and tied it to a pretty studry railing. With the other end I tied a pretty decent knot. 

"Brenda you hold on to this rope as tight as you can, don't let go." I said sternly. She just nodded. "Now I would suggest maybe u close your eyes, as to this might not be super fun to watch." I said. "Ready?"

"Ready." She said.

I kicked the glass and it cracked again. I gave it another kick and it cracked even more. With one last kick the glass broke and gave away. 

"AH!" Brenda yelled as she fell a little bit. 

"You okay?" I yelled down. 

"Yeh, I'm okay." She yelled up at me.

"Okay, now just slide down the rope slowly." I yelled down again. She slowly slid down the rope until she stopped and called up.

"The rope looks like it doesn't reach all the way down."

"How much space is there between the ground and the rope?" I yelled. 

"About 10 feet maybe?" She yelled.

"Then just drop." I said. 

"What!?" She exclaimed.

"You heard me, just drop, when you get to the end of the rope just drop to the ground." I said. 

"O-oo-k." She stuttered. She kept going. The rope was rubbing against the edge of the broken glass and starting to fray. When I looked back down Brenda had made it to the ground. 

'i guess it's my turn, god how I hate heights' I thought to myself. I shakily grabbed the rope and slowly started to slide down. I went slowly since the the rope had hurt my hands. 

10 feet..




50. At about 50 feet down i stopped for a short breath. 

'only a few more feet.' I said to myself. Suddenly a strong breeze blew me sideways a bit causing the rope to sway a bit. The rope had continued to fray more and more as I went down and the wind had made it worse. The rope frayed even more and I could see it was kinda close to breaking. I had only made it a few more feet when I heard Brenda call my name. I looked down and looked back up only to see the rope completely snap. It was almost like everything was in slow motion I was no longer holding on to the rope as I had let it go accidentally when it snapped. Falling I looked around me and I saw something, but only for a split second like a flash of light, then it was gone. I saw buildings, not broken but fully upright and functional. There were street lights and people, actual people. There were roads and vehicles. The people seemed to be walking around. Some were holding hands. And it disappeared as soon as it appeared. I came back to my senses and it was no longer going in slow motion. I fell faster than I thought. 

"JANE!" Was the last thing I heard Brenda yell before I hit the ground and blacked out. 

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now