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We walked in and it was kinda dark the only light being the colorful lights flashing around the place. There was music playing. For some reason I started to feel kind woozy. I stumbled halfway through the crowd and realized I wasn't with Brenda anymore, I couldn't see her. I turned in circles trying to find Brenda, bad idea. The turning only made me even more woozy. I felt like I did when I got drunk in the maze, but worse. I stopped turning and saw Brenda standing Infront of me. She seemed drunk like the other people here. 

"Just relax.." she slurred putting her hand on my arm. 

"Brenda, what? What's happening?" I asked all sorts of confused.

"Just relax and listen to the music." She said. "There's nothing to worry about." She had started putting her hands on my shoulders. We were roughly the same height me being a few centimeters taller. 

"B-brenda? What are you doing?" I asked still woozy. 

"Just......relaxing......" she said as she got closer to me. 

"Wha-?" I started but was cut off by her pressing her lips to mine. The kiss was warm and tasted tangy. I kissed her back for a second until I realized what I was doing. 

"No." I said pushing her away.

"Why? What's wrong..?" She asked. 

"You're not him..." I said. She looked at me like I'd just stabbed her. She fell to the ground and about a second after I fell to the floor. The last thing I remember is a blurry figure grabbing me and then I completely blacked out.

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now