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Good to be king, Antonio Banderas

Listen to it while reading this chapter to get a good understanding on Minho

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Chapter 2

Lee Minho

The day started as any other, Minho awoke and got dressed in some rather dark clothes. He wore a black suit and some jewellery such as rings and earrings.

He put his crown on top of his purple hair. He looked into the mirror before smirking as he was about to walk out of his room.

He watched as the servants all trembled in his presence. They all feared and loathed him. His sinister smirk never left his face as he sat down on the dinner table.

A old woman was serving his drinks but her hand shook which caused her to spill the drink on him. He scowled and snapped his fingers.

His magic surrounded him and then the old woman making her groan in pain as it made her spread herself up against the wall.

"You've ruined my clothes." He stated calmly. "Did you do this on purpose?" He asked as he looked at her with nothing but coldness in his eyes.

"N-no your majesty. It was an accident. I deeply apologize for my trembling hands of old age." She knew better then to beg for her life. The king doesn't do mercy.

He cocked his eyebrows upwards. "Why work at your age when you're gonna be incompetent about it?"

"I need the money for my daughter my king." She stated truthfully.

"Is that so?" He hummed before snapping his fingers again. She fell down to the floor. "Take her to the dungeon till I figure out a suitable punishment for her." He stated before walking out of the room as the guards took away the old woman.

Minho went outside of the palace and walked towards the city. He had an escort of guards following behind him.

People made way for him when they saw him and bowed down. He had his sinister smirk on his lips as he fully enjoyed the people bowing to them.

Some people were yelling all kinds of profanities at him but he silenced them quickly. One was even so brave as to throw rotten fruit at him.

He scoffed before his eyes averted to the one throwing the fruit giving him a death glare. He snapped his fingers and his magic ensued him before making the man come towards him.

"Take him away." He chuckled at the loud pleas from the man. "No! I'm sorry please forgive me. It was a slip off the hand."

Minho waved his hand in a halting movement. The guards stopped immediately. "A slip of the hand you say?" He asked cocking his head to the side to look at the man.

He frantically nodded his head to plead for his case. Minho scoffed before walking closer to him. People were watching him. He had to make an example of him.

Suddenly he pulled out his gun and shot him in the side missing any fatal spot. "Oops my hand slipped." He mocked him the other man crying in pain.

"You see how useless that excuse is? It could get you killed if your not more careful. Don't throw around insulant words and own up to your fucking actions. Take him away now!" The guards nodded and dragged the man away to the dungeons.

Minho cleaned himself up before continuing. He eyed the crowd who quickly bowed before going back to their daily duties.

Minho walked down to the market just to ensue some fear to his people or something like that. The smile on his lips proved he enjoyed tormenting his people very much.

He was casually strolling around when suddenly someone bumped into him and reached out to slap him across the face.

The people around gasped as Minho's faced richochedt to the left. Minhos eyes flared with anger as he looked at the person who dared do this to him.

His eyes widened the tiniest bit as it was a woman, who stood before him glaring daggers at him. She had long wavy hair and cute round eyes but what the most peculiar thing about them were, was the fact that her eyes were blue but only for a minute before they changed back to a dark brown. Peculiar.

"You're an absolute prick you know that? That man did nothing wrong."

Minho let out a small chuckle. He was fairly amused to say the least.

"But he did, he ruined my clothes trying to embarrass me in front of the people. You did a much worse crime by hitting my face, yet you insist to make it worse by opening that foul mouth of yours." He spoke a dark aura surrounding him.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "And who are you to decide it's a crime?"

"Well sweetheart even if you lived in a gutter all your life you must have heard the name. 'The evil King Lee Minho.' That's who I am." He spoke as the realisation hit her. He stepped closer to her.

He bended slightly and whispered in her ear. "It's cute when you tremble in fear like that." His hot breath hit her ear.

She pushed him away and scowled at him. "Even if you are the king. You have no right to punish that man so severely for throwing some fruit at you! It's your own fault people retaliate like this!" She stated.

Minho smiled sinisterly. "You know who I am yet you're still so defiant. It's amusing how you just keep digging your own grave." He pulled out his gun and aimed it at her.

She reacted quickly and kicked her leg up, kicking the gun out of his hands. She was about to give him a good roundhouse kick but Minho was faster and snapped his fingers, stopping her in her tracks with his magic.

"Guards take her to my room. I'm going to teach this defiant woman a lesson not to mess with a higher power." The guards from behind him quickly went to the woman and grabbed her as she tried to protest but she couldn't. Her body wouldn't move.

"Fuck you!" She spat as she was being dragged away. Minho's mood was now sullied. Small movement caught his eye but he let it be, deciding to let it play out.

He was angry and he used his magic to lash out on the market. Destroying all the stalls and products in the process. People were screaming and trembling in fear. "Don't mess with your king." Was all he said before leaving.

Damn that was something alr. So I'm doing a new thingie, playlists! I thought it be fun. For those who want I can definitely make a Spotify playlist for this book if you're interested just lemme know.

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