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Contradicting Hyunjin

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Chapter 13

"That's one way to see it."

"It's the only way to see it."

Jiae shook her head. "No, because you're forgetting the most important thing!"

Minho cocked his eyebrows. "Which is?" He asked sceptically.


"Love is a contradiction on it's own. You crave love but you gotta give to receive it, but just because you love something or someone doesn't mean they'll love you back. Just because you love doesn't mean you'll get love in return in whichever form it comes."

"Well yeah but even though everyone knows there's a possibility of not being loved back, they still love wholeheartedly."

"That's the type of useless mindset that fucks you over. People aren't good Jiae!"

"Oh what do you know? You just never been loved properly! So don't speak about what you don't know."

"I know more then you think, are you suggesting to teach me?" Minho chuckled sarcastically.

"Wha- no? The fuck did I ever imply that?"

"Your eyes give up more then you care to admit."

"Oh fuck you Lee Minho! Why would I ever want to show someone as narcissistic and arrogant what proper love feels like?"

Minho glared at her. "Don't insult me, I'm none of those things. I'm your king, I have all the power do I not? Don't get confused by me stating facts." He scoffed before walking off leaving Jiae to herself confused.

"What's his problem?!" She grumbled annoyed. She took her gun and starting shooting again imaginging someone's face as the target. She chuckled darkly as she hit bullseye after bullseye.


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