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Fairytale, Alexander Rybak

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Chapter 8

Jiae had to try a variety of different dresses before they found the one that suited her the best. They settled on this one that made her look like a queen as she was attending with the king. She had to look suitable to be next to him.

 She had to look suitable to be next to him

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After picking out her shoes and the crown she'd be wearing the continued on to do her hair

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After picking out her shoes and the crown she'd be wearing the continued on to do her hair.

They added some flowers in the braids to finish off the fairytale look they were going with

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They added some flowers in the braids to finish off the fairytale look they were going with. They pulled her to sit down so they could start on her makeup.

(But in pink shades instead to match the cherry, pink vibe going on

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(But in pink shades instead to match the cherry, pink vibe going on.)

As the maids were finished Minho just about walked into the room and his mouth dropped to the floor. Only not literally as he was quite good to keep his composure in public. Inside he was stunned at the girl in front of him. She looked angelic, rather ethereal in his eyes.

He shrugged off these delirious thoughts before waving off the maids and thanking them for their good work.

"Well would you look at that. You are actually able to look pretty if you put in the work." He stated.

Jiae scoffed at the backhanded compliment. She gave the king a once over. "I could say the same to you. If you don't open your mouth you like very pretty, too bad your whole personality ruins it."

Minho rolled his eyes slightly enjoying the bickering. It's very entertaining for him.

"You best keep that pretty mouths of yours shut in front of others. I can only do so much." He states before turning to look at her. "Before they kill you for insulting them. Not that I care, just a warning." He chuckled before gesturing her to follow him out of his room.

She quickly followed along picking up a piece of her dress so she could hurry up. Truth be told she has never worn a gown before, nor any fancy dress for that matter.

She struggled a bit but got the hang of it after stumbling over her feet a few times. She managed to catch up to Minho who made it to the gardens.

She looked around confused. Minho looked up to the sky and there it was. Jiae also looked up and her eyes widened at what she saw.

"You'll catch flies like that." Minho stated and embarrassed she immediately closed her mouth, still staring in bewilderment.

There were two pegasi pulling a carriage heading their way. "H-how?"

"My friend likes to be extra." Minho responded.

"They are so gorgeous. I've never seen them in real life. No one has ever been able to see them this up close since forever!" Jiae exclaimed.

"Hm and who's fault would that be? Humans tend to destroy everything beautiful they touch. Vile creatures of pure destruction." Minho stated with vemon.

The pegasi stopped before them and walked close. Minho bowed to them and they bowed back as a sign of respect.

Jiae watched this and decided to also bow towards them. This act caught Minho off guard and it was visible on his face for only a mere second before returning to his usual cold gaze.

The pegasi inched closer to her and nudged her arm so she would pet them. She chuckled before petting the beautiful creatures who looked content.

She looked very real in that moment to Minho. She looked realer then anything. He admired the view in front of him before snapping out of his daze.

He cleared his throat. "We have to leave." He said as he gestured his hand to the carriage as a sign for her to get in.

She nodded and got in the carriage and so did Minho. "Now Aria and Fuie please take us safely to our destination." He spoke softly and he horses neighed before setting off.

"You know them?"

"Nope first time I've met them."

"Then how do you know their names?"

"They told me." He responded looking out of the little window as the carriage started to life off the ground and into the sky.

"Now Jiae, listen close. The place we are going too can be dangerous if you're not properly informed. Nobody is as they seem, remember that. Stay close to me and don't wander off. You'll die if you do."

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now