433 9 18

In my blood, Joel smallbone

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Chapter 18

Minho was walking through the corridors of his castle. He heard soft hushed voices further down along the hall.

He inched closer as he was going there anyway. "Maria! You can't be spotted slacking off! The king will have your head!"

"I'm not slacking off, I'm just taking a break. It's not easy working while being pregnant."

"Silly girl, why didn't you ask for time off?"

"Are you crazy?! He's the evil king! He won't tolerate it. He'll scoff and laugh in my face. He'll taunt me and then throw me in the dungeon or worse.." she trailed off.

"I couldn't ask him, I'm afraid of dying and I'd rather live. I want my child to live and have a family. He doesn't understand it. I love my unborn child so much. He doesn't understand parental love, he killed his own parents."

Minho felt an ache in his chest. He let out a sigh before continuing his walk. The two woman immediately trembled in fear upon noticing his presence.

He however didn't spare them a glance and just continued walking with a stone like face, no emotion, no nothing visible on his face.

You simply can't read him.

He stopped in front of his family portrait. He could never bring himself to have it removed. Instead he moved it towards the emptist corner where no soul dared to go. His old bedroom, the old royal wing.

He looked up at the judgmental kind yet bad eyes of his father. He was judging, but he held such a kind gaze. But if you looked deeper and longer you could see the underline of something wicked.

They say Minho is evil and far worse then his father and that scares him the most. His father was the worst person he ever knew. He made the two worlds divide in search and hunger for power.

He even wanted to take his own son's power for himself. He manipulated him and everyone around him, he corrupted people and ruined their country. He ruined everything, Minho he rebuilt everything and made it better but at what price?

He despises people and became rather mean when dealing with them. He had to establish authority and he did so the only way he knew how, by being despicable.

He created a stable country and fixed the bound with the supernatural. They trust him just not his people. He doesn't trust them either. He doesn't belong there but he also doesn't belong with the supernatural.

He's stuck between the middle. His father died by his own hands. He had to do so to survive and for revenge. He had killed his mother, his wife for nothing more but her protecting their son from him!

He glanced at his mother, her sweet loving gaze looking right back at his somber cold one. He remembers her gentle voice, the strange advice she gave him that at the time didn't make any sense. But now little by little they do. It's like she prepared him and knew what was bound to happen.

He hopes his mother will have advice for him for all the rough patches he's supposed to face. That way he still feels connected to her, it's like she's still with him. She knew a lot and a part of Minho can't help but think that she knew when she was going to die.

She was always mysterious yet she spend most of her time with him. He loved her more then anything and he misses her oh so bad. He couldn't help the tears that cascaded down his face.

So he ran, he ran to the place he never thought he would. He pounded on the door harshly.


"I don't wanna be like him!" He choked out before falling down in her arms. Jiae was shocked but pulled him inside nonetheless.

They sat down on the floor together as she cradled him to help calm him down. "I don't want to be like him." He muttered.

"Don't want to be like who Minho?" She asked softly, worried about the man breaking down in her arms.

"My father."


The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now