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Sand dove Cameron

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Chapter 21

Their lips disconnected for the final time. Jiae looked into his eyes but he averted his gaze to the floor. He stood up and ran out of the room without saying anything.

Baffled by this, she decided to go after him.

"Minho!" She called his name but he ignored her. He ran into his room and shut the door in her face.

"Minho what's wrong? Do you feel embarrassed?" She asked thinking of what could be the matter.

The door opened revealing the king.

"Go away Jiae, this was a mistake. I was emotional and went with the flow. My senses returned to me and I acted on them."


"You heard me, now leave." His voice boomed through the halls.

"Minho you can't be serious! This wasn't a go with the flow kiss! This was one filled with emotion!"

"You just took pity on me."

"I like you! You stupid fool!"

"You're delusional, I don't like you. I could never like someone like you. Now I won't ask again, leave immediately." He was angry, you could hear it in his voice.

But his eyes told a different story, one she was too emotional to understand. She held back her tears before raising her hand and slapping him. She turned around and left.

She left him with a stinging red cheek and a broken heart.

She ran to her room and fell down on her bed and finally let the tears escape.

She really couldn't believe she was so foolish. She couldn't believe she was getting somewhere with him.

That they felt the same.

His eyes told the truth, the kiss told the truth. He liked her but he didn't want her. After all she was just a commoner and his prisoner.

She was still being punished for her acts back then. She had given herself to him, let down her guard. She had cried in front of him and told him some of what's on her mind.

She felt sympathy towards him and he allowed her to get to know him. But the end was always visible. No matter how many times she secretly wished for things to happen, it wouldn't last.

He had opened up to her tonight, but it feels like a parting gift. They weren't meant to be. He had her in the palm of his hand.

She would do anything for her, but she knew he wouldn't do the same for her. She needed to get out. She needed to get him off her mind.

She needed a distraction from the image of his lips on hers.

She needed to forget, she just couldn't deal with it. She immediately rushed out of her room and went into town. She went to a pub and got drunk.

So drunk she flirted with another man and before she knew it his lips were on hers. But all she could see, all she could feel were his lips on hers.

Regret immediately filled her and she pushed the man away. He stumbled back and she ran away from him.

She could hear the man calling her names but she didn't care. She just ran back to her room and fell on the bed, crying herself to sleep.

The end is near y'all!

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now