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Snow White, John Michael Howell

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Chapter 9

The remainder of the flight their was in peaceful silence, with Jiae staring out of the window in pure amazement. She never saw a sight so pretty.

The flew through clouds and she saw the twinkling lights of the cities below coming to light away the darkness.

Her cheeks were a bit flushed from the cold wind hitting her face but she couldn't help but keep looking out of the window.

She let out a gasp as she saw the beautiful sight in front of her. They went inside a forest and inside that forest was the most beautiful city she's ever layed her eyes on.

The city was merged with nature but it was also very modern build. The palace was golden with a touch of nature having thick brown roots laced around its towers. The city was alight by fairy lights around every arch connected to the houses.

The Pegasi descended down onto the open space and came to a halt. The door opened and Minho walked out first with Jiae following along.

"Minho!" A guy with broad shoulders and a dimple smile came up to him opening his arms. He engulfed Minho into a tight hug.

"Chan." Minho groaned and the guy released the hug chuckling. "Sorry mate." His eyes averted to look at Jiae. "Oh? Who's this now?" Chan asked with a smirk on his face.

It gave his face something that wasn't quite human. "This is Jiae my date. Where's Jeongin? Did you have a fight?" Minho asked raising his eyebrows in pure mock.

"Now what makes you say that?"

"You're usually tied to the hips." He shrugged.


"Speak of the devil."

Jeongin pouted. "Speak of the fox you mean." He smiled and to Jiae he looked very similar to a fox.

It was cute.

"Jeongin." Minho greeted.

Jeongin smiled before his eyes cast on Jiae. "Ohh so you actually managed to find someone huh? I didn't think you would."

"I swear Jeongin you better not have tricked me!" Minho threatened.

"Don't you know to never trust a fox Minho hyung?" A boy with black long hair that reached a little before his shoulders spoke as he joined them.

Jeongin pouted once again and Chan chuckled. "Hyunjin pleasure as always."

"Oh you've got yourself a date?" Hyunjin asked all shocked.

Minho rolled his eyes and Jiae chuckled silently. "Yeah and unlike you I didn't have to use any charms on her to come."

"Yah! It's part of my nature. I can't help it that I'm just naturally very attractive and charm all the men and women." He winked at Jiae who fake gagged which caused hyunjin to dramatically fall down.

"Always so dramatic Hyunjin." A familiar voice spoke as he walked towards them with a drink in his hands.


"Oh fuck-"


"Oh fuck you Jisung! Fucking dick move ditching me and leaving me with him!"

"Jiae, don't make a scene." Minho stated giving her a look. She scoffed and muttered something about getting food before walking off.

"Minho! Why did you bring her here?"

Minho shrugged. "I needed a date in order to get what I want."

"You knew I would be here!" Jisung whined.

"So? It's not my problem. You caused this yourself and you still won't tell me why she's so special. I'm not the one responsible for your problems." Minho said as he took a sip from his drink.

"Wait Ji, that's the girl?" Jisung nodded. "And you didn't tell him?" Jeongin inquired again and jisung nodded sheepishly as well.

"Ah and here I thought I was the one who liked confusion and secrets the most."

"Why didn't you tell him Jisung?"

Everyone looked at him waiting for his answer. "Because Minho is just a dick to everyone. If he knows he would just be even more horrible to her." He admitted.

Minho scoffed and walked off to go and find Jiae.

Jiae was down at the table with food looking for something to eat when a really beautiful man came up to her.

"Why hello there pretty little thing."

Jiae eyed the man before responding "Not interested."

The man chuckled before grabbing her arm. "You think you can reject me before I even stated my offer you lowly human?!" The man screeched.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are? I'm not some doll you can manhandle so get your fucking hands off of me before I break your arm fucker."

The man scoffed before glaring at her. "You have no idea who you're talking to do you? I can do as I please and everyone who defies me ends up dead, so best behave unless you want to end up dead, do as I say!" The man threatened.

"And who the fuck do you think you are threatening my date?" Minho said as he snaked his arm around her waist and glaring at the man.

The man scoffed before giving Minho a death stare. "Who the fuck am I? I'm the most powerful and influential man here! I'm king Lee Minho! Soon to be ruler of all the land!" The man stated and Minho chuckled.

"Oh this is funny. You? You're supposed to be me? That's very funny don't you think? Try better to impersonate someone yeah? And here's a little tip from me to you. Next time know how they look like before impersonating them right in front of their faces." Minho spoke and his magic cracked through the surface.

Minho chuckled darkly as the sweat was visible on the man's head. "Didn't you know not to touch what's mine?" Minho spoke voice dark and threatening.

His magic cracked in the air again making flashes of wind appear and the guy was visibly shaking. "Last time I checked a crown and collar are items to signify that person is either taken or belongs to someone. You've committed the worst crime, trying to take what is mine and insulting me. Now how do you plead?"

The man immediately fell down to his knees and begged the king for his forgiveness. "Pathetic." Minho mumered before snapping his fingers and some guards came and took the man away.

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now