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Chapter 17

She fell to the ground, her jaw clenching. Her heart aching, she tried to contain her pitiful sobs.

She didn't know but she suddenly felt this immense wave of sadness wash over her. Her heart felt like breaking.

She closed her eyes and saw flashes into a memory that wasn't her own. It was Minho's.

On the other side of the door, the king wasn't fairing much better. Her questions raised memories he'd rather keep burried.

He tried so hard to keep them locked away for good. These painful memories, weren't meant for reminiscing. But he couldn't help but fail into a spiral down memory lane at her questions.

His facade came crumbling down, his stoic appearance fell. He cascaded into his pitiful self as sobs escaped his lips. His back hit the door as he held his face with his hands.

Salty tears rained down his face and he tried to contain his sobs, his breath was uneven and shaky.

Both were crying, one because of his past memories and the other without a clue only the feeling of immense pain guiding her.


A couple of days past and both have been avoiding each other. Jiae was busy training with her gun and seeing what she could modify of it later on. She had already asked around the guards what modifications she could make.

Minho had been keeping himself preoccupied with paperwork or other kingly duties as he'd call it.

And Jisung, well poor Jisung was watching whatever the fuck happened unfold between them.

"So what's up with you two?" He asked one sunny afternoon.

Jiae gave him a glance before focusing again. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me Jiae."

"Nothing is up, we're just both very busy people." She stated.

"Sure, you two definitely kissed! Didn't you?" Han asked raising his eyebrows in a questioning sense.

Jiae her cheeks flared up out of embarrassment. "Wha-" she hit the poor squirrel on the head. "No we did not kiss! I don't even like him like that and I'm pretty sure he doesn't either." She rolled her eyes.

"Well if you didn't kiss then what happened?" He asked rubbing his head with a pout.

"We talked and a topic came up, he didn't like it. So we ended the conversation."

Jisung looked at her sceptically. "There's something you aren't telling me."

"That's really all that happened. Now I'm busy, so go bother Minho or something." She muttered and so Jisung did.

Minho groaned when Jisung pranced into his room like he owned the place.

"What do you want Han?"

"Nothing, nothing." He smiled.

Minho gave him a look which said 'bitch don't test me'

"Alright fine, so what happened between you and Jiae? Did you guys kiss?" He asked kinda excited.

"What the fuck? Why would I kiss her? I don't like her and she doesn't like me that way either."

"Hm, funny, she said the same thing~" he smiled at Minho.

"What's that smile supposed to mean?"

"It's just a smile hyung, don't be weird."

"Sure..., why were you even talking to Jiae about us kissing? Why would you even think that?" Minho asked bewildered.

"Oh no reason! You two are just ignoring each other so I assumed y'all kissed, felt awkward about it afterwards cuz you are a complete tsundere. Then y'all decided to be dimbos and just ignore each other hoping the awkward tension would dissipate or sum shit." He explained.

"The way your brain works amazes me sometimes. You are a complete idiot! Why would you automatically assume we kissed? Just because we don't spend 24/7 together. We both have things to do Jisung and in case you forgot. We both don't really like each other at all."

"It makes sense to me. So then what happened if you two didn't kiss?"

Minho rubbed his temples. "We just talked."

"Just talked?"


"Okay if you say so. Soooo what ya doing"

"I'm working as you can see."

"Okay, when will you be finished?"

"Not anytime soon."

"Okay so can I ask a question?"

"You already did."


He sighed. "Go ahead."

"Do you wanna kiss her?"

"Jisung, I swear to all that's magical stop with the kissing! I'm not afraid to skin you and use your fur as a glove!"

He gasped. "You wouldn't dare!"

"You know I would." He gave him a look.

"Yeah you would, but you're totally thinking of kissing her right now aren't you?" He asked with a smirk as Minho's eyes turned into daggers.

"Jisung!" His tone threatening.

He smiled cutely before he transformed into a squirrel and went away with the wind.

Minho groaned as now for some reason his thoughts were stuck on doing a certain thing with a certain someone.

"Him and his damn mind games." He muttered slumping in his chair in defeat.


The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now