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The ultimate deception, Milo Manheim. Absolutely listen to this song to get the full feel of the chapter. It's so gooddd

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Chapter 22

The next day Minho was already busy with his work. He was distracted so he wanted to go for a walk and then he heard them.

Servants talking about something that happened last night. "Did you hear that girl that's always around the king, she went out got drunk and fucked with someone."

Minho's heart shattered. He didn't know why but he was hurt and angry. "What? Wasn't she like the king's?"

"I thought so too! But it's true, the soldiers saw her leave and I have it from Mia who was also at the bar and saw her kissing this guy. They went up to a room. She didn't see her leave until later on!"

Minho furious stormed off to her room. He was angry and he needed answers.

The door was slammed open and Jiae was startled. She looked up and saw him. Her eyes were red and puffy. "Really? You're such a liar."

"What? What are you on about Minho?" She was confused.

He scoffed. "Don't act dumb. People saw you!"

"People saw what?"

"You being a whore. Someone saw you kissing a guy at a bar! You apparently also fucked him! Why lie and say you like me? When you pull a stunt like this?"

"What no! I do like you Minho! I didn't sleep with him." She looked into his eyes trying to convey her honesty.

"So you deny having slept with him but not the kissing?" He laughed darkly. "You really are something Jiae."

"Oh fuck you Minho! What does it matter if I kissed someone else?! You literally told me us kissing was a mistake! I went out to forget about the kiss, but I felt guilty kissing someone else."

Minho looked at her before rolling his eyes. "Save me your lies, if you weren't important for the war. I would have kicked you out already." He spat before turning around and leaving.

He was angry that much was clear, Jiae was left sobbing on the floor while Minho was beating himself up mentally.

Minho's mind was racing, he saw her eyes. He couldn't help but believe her words. No he wanted to believe her words. He was having an internal struggle.

"She betrayed you and her feelings for you."

Minho screamed out of frustration. He was caught up in his head. He saw another version of him standing there, a sword in his hands and clad in black.

Minho himself was clad in white, he looked around and there tied up he saw her.

He looked at her and couldn't help but believe her, her eyes held the truth. She was being truthful.

However the darker part of him scoffed as he saw him look at her with such a soft look.

"She's a liar, she used her feelings to get what she wanted! The moment she didn't get what she wanted she went off and whored around!"

"No!" They started fighting with each other, but the darker part was stronger then him.

"She's made you out to be a fool!"

"She's being truthful, I know her."

He scoffed.

"You're pathetic for any type of affection Minho."

"That may be, but she was crying all night. She looked devastated..." He trailed off.

"Or maybe that's what she wants you to believe. Don't be deceived by a common whore like her!"

"I'm not, don't call her that! She's not a whore. I don't know what to think anymore..." He trailed off.

"We should kill her for her betrayal!" He said and the people around him cheered.

Minho who was on his knees got up and shouted. "No! You can't kill her! I think I love her! I don't care if she slept with him or not. I choose to believe her."

His dark counterpart glared.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I trust her and I'll choose to trust her word on this as well." He said stabbing his evil counterpart with the blade.

He chuckled maniacally. "You may have won this battle but I'll win the war soon enough."

Minho trembled, he was afraid. He blinked and he was back in his own room again. He let out a trembling sigh as he sank down to his knees.

He brought a hand up through his hair closing his eyes. "God, I hate him." He mumbled as he couldn't help but cry.

He'd had to find a way to apologise to her and say he believes her, but he couldn't. The battle was nearing there was no time for this.

Only a couple more chapters left

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