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Insane, black gryphOn, Baasik

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Chapter 26

Today was the day of the battle and everyone was ready. Deadly anxious but ready nonetheless.

Chan had came to get Jiae and escort her to the battlefield. "You ready?"

She nodded with a tight lipped smile. "So did you find a way?"

"Hm, I did. But if it will work is another thing completely. We will see." She stated and Chan nodded.

They took a carriage with pegasi, soon arriving at the place of battle. There awaiting was their army and Minho's army was on the move, nearly there.

Her heart ached seeing him as the enemy. But she knew that she had to be beat Lee know in order to save Minho.

"Jiae, are you ready?" Felix asked as she walked up to them. "Yeah, are you?" She fired back and he nodded. "Nervous, he's still our friend and king after all."

Jiae nodded in understanding. "Yeah, but that's Lee know not Lee Minho. But he's not yours to worry about. Worry about the demons. I'll take care of him." Felix nodded a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Jeongin approached them, his nine tails on full display. A beautiful red. He had his sinister fox smile on display. "So much chaos is about to unfold, I'm excited!" He stated grinning.

Jiae shook her head, chuckling slightly. "Go and ensue as much chaos as you want if it kills the enemies." She stated and he nodded.

Chan wrapped his arms around the younger boy. He smiled and kissed his cheek. "Don't die out there baby."

"Same to you, go be your big scary wolf and slaughter them!" He giggled excitedly and Chan smiled endearingly at him.

"I will for you ~" Jeongin scrunched his nose at the cringe line but his cheeks blushed nonetheless.

"You guys ready?" She asked as Jisung, Seungmin and Changbin arrived.

They all nodded.

"Then let's go kill some bitches!" She shouted and everyone cheered. They had all gotten into position. The plan was simple. They'd deal with Hyunjin and the demon army and Jiae would deal with Minho.

Lee know smirked as he saw the army advancing. "Leave no survivors." He stated and Hyunjin nodded before calling out orders to the army charging along with them.

Lee know was a vast contrast to Minho. He was clad in all black. Pale skinned and pitch black hair. Blood red eyes and greyish lips.

She made her way to him, killing enemies left and right. She had made many modifications to her weapon.

She shot anyone in her path, she was lucky for being so athletic. It helped her move around and be very flexible when dodging.

Lee know smirked as he saw what she tried to do. He laughed maniacally, how she thought she had a chance.

It didn't take long before she reached him. "Jiae."

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now