final bonus

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Final bonus

Many years had passed and the kingdom prospered more then anything. Everyone had gotten peacefully along. To the point where even human x mythical creature.

It was truly the golden age especially for the royal family. Jiae and Minho had extended their little family.

They now had a daughter and were about to have a son soon. Their daughter was four years old tomorrow so the kingdom of course had to celebrate.

They do this every year. They create a big festival on her birthday and would do the same for the soon to be born son.

"Good morning my little princess! How are you feeling today?" Minho asked as he walked into his daughter's room.

Minjae smiled and giggled at her dad. "Daddy! You haven't said it yet." She fake pouted and Minho gave her a look.

He sat down on the bed and caressed her hair. "Haven't said what yet lovely?"


"What about today?"

"It's my birthday daddy!" She giggled as Minho tickled her. He smiled at her. "of course angel, don't think I forgot. I was just playing with you."

She pushed him away softly and pouted. Minho chuckled before kissing her cheek. "Now c'mon let's go get ready to wake up mommy yeah?"

"And my baby brother!"

Minho smiled at that. He nodded and helped her get dressed once she was out of the bed. Minho put on her special birthday tiara and she was giggling happily the entire time.

They walked to Minho's and Jiae's room. He opened the door and the girl silently giggled before making her way to her mother. She crawled on the bed and jumped on her careful to not hit the baby brother.

Jiae startled awake, her eyes landed on her daughter who giggled. "Happy birthday Princess." She kissed her cheek. She smiled. "Morning mommy! Morning baby brother." She said as she placed a kiss on Jiae's belly.

"Okay angel why don't you go and start on your birthday breakfast hm?" Minho asked and she happily nodded screeching "yay" as she ran down the hallway.

Jiae whined as her sleep was interrupted. "Good morning love and a happy birthday to you." Minho kissed her deeply. She smiled in the kiss and hugged her arms around his neck.

He kissed her neck leaving open mouthed kisses. She snuggled closer into him. "I'll make you feel good tonight baby." He murmured against her skin and she whined at the feeling.


They walked the parade reminiscing to a few years ago. The baby had decided to come the day after minjae's birthday.

So now they had a two day parade and festival for the two kids and the queen.

Minjae was now 8 and finally old enough to understand her mother was also born on the same day as her only much sooner.

Their baby Minhyuk was now 4 and happily waddling around with his older sister while the couple walked together behind them holding hands.

"I love them but I'm never letting you do that again. Twice is more then enough. The fucking back pain and cravings drive you crazy."

Minho chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Don't worry my queen I'm content with our two beautiful children I don't need any more. All I want now is to be able to make love to you whenever without any presents after."

Jiae rolled her eyes. "Get castrated then."

Minho choked on his saliva. "What am I cat?" he asked offended. "Yeah pretty much." She teased and the two burst out in laughter.

They continued living a long (very long) and healthy life along with their friends and family.

This is the last one y'all. Only cuteness, happiness n laughter!!

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now