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Replay , SHINee

"Min you're destined for great things, but the world will be against you." His mother told him as she was stroking the head of the Pegasus in front of her.

"Someday this will all be yours and it will be up to you, to protect it with your life. Like I have, like my mother has and her mother before her."

"Why am I the only man doing this mommy?"

"Because you're the first male of our bloodline in a very long time. You're special little min."

Minho giggled a cute smile adorning his face. "What's her name?"

"This one, she has no name yet."

"Why not?"

"She's waiting to be named."

"Oh why doesn't her mommy give her a name then? Like you gave mine." The little boy questioned.

"No everyone has parents to name them, not everyone goes through life with a name given to them by someone else."

"Then is it okay that I name her?" He asked with puppy eyes.

"Of course little one." She smiled softly at him.

The boy smiled widely, "I'll call her Evermore."

The Pegasus let out a sound of approval causing the little boy to giggle happily. "That's a wonderful name Minho. Now it's your responsibility to take care of her. And she will come to you in your time of need. This is the most sacred bond you can have between man and animal."

"I will."

"Once your bond is strong enough something magical will happen."

"Like what mommy?"

She chuckles. "You'll have to wait and see. Take good care of her and you'll find out." She stated making Minho determined to find out what it would be.

"Minho, always take care of the magical world. You are it's protector. You will bring balance to both worlds again."

Minho just nodded to her words. He was too busy stroking Evermore to fully understand the weight of her words.

Short chapter

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now