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Run away Ryujin

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Chapter 16


"You heard me, now if that's all. You can leave." Minho stated and Jiae sighed, turning around and leaving the room. She closed the door and leaned against it.

Minho was always loved by his mother, even his father loved him despite his powers.

He was always raised to be a kind hearted and sincere person. He was happy and didn't know much of the hatred his people had for him.

Even though his father loved the boy, he was envious of his power and wanted it for himself. He'd do anything he could to get it.

"You can't take what isn't yours!" His mother shouted.

"Can't I? I gave him his powers. I created him!"

His mother scoffed. "Oh please, it takes two people to create someone. I would've thought you'd at least be smart enough to know that, seeing as your a king who runs state affairs. Or do you also let that knowledge be known by your informers?" She sassed which caused the king to be severely angered.

"What do you know? You're just some seductress I found in the woods one that! You'd be nothing without me!"

This caused her to chuckle. "I would be nothing without you? Oh honey, I think you're mistaken. You wouldn't have your precious son, the way the kingdom is flourishing now is also because of me! So think twice, c'mon use that big brain of yours."

The king's face turned red seething with anger. She smirked. "I'm taking Minho for a walk through the city, maybe you'll have the answer by the time we're back~"

She walked out of the room and saw her sweet little prince playing in the hallway.

"Min, dear, we're going for a walk."

Little Minho smiled and ran up to his mother. "Oh, yes! That's fun. Let's goooo!" She chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"Is dad coming with?"

"No, baby. He's far too busy right now. Maybe next time hm?" He nodded at her words as he took her hand as they walked outside of the castle.

It was safe to say people immediately recognised the queen and the prince. The mummers started, the vile insults thrown at the prince who was nothing but a monster in their eyes.

Minho being ever observant, of course noticed this. "Mom, are people calling me a monster and a curse because of the power I possess?"

"You know that's not true right? You aren't a monster nor a curse."

"But why do they say that I am then?"

"That's because they are scared baby. Scared of what they don't understand. You see you're the only one with this power, it's a blessing for the kingdom. Because you can protect everyone. They don't know that yet and just fear the unknown. You shouldn't let their words affect you my sweet Minho."

"But how do I make them stop and see that I'm not a monster?"

"By being kind and just yourself. Never use your ability for the wrong reason. You know right from wrong hm? So just follow your heart and it will lead you into the right direction and soon people will see that." She smiled at him.

"Hm, I don't need others to see me as good. I only need you and dad not to see me as a monster or a curse."

"We never will baby. I love you way too much, my precious little angel."

"I love you way more!"

She smiled and they felt happy but it didn't last long. His mother was ripped from his arms by a gang of thugs.

They raped her and made him watch everything. Minho wasn't fully in control of his powers yet. He couldn't do anything to save her. They stabbed her before scattering as people started coming towards them.

"N-never change my sweet Minho." She smiled as she coughed blood and drew her last breath.

Minho screamed and a burst of energy rippled through the town. It made the ground tremble and the walls crack.

The assaulters got trapped underneath the rubble. They never fully recovered and were locked away in jail by his father.

Minho couldn't sleep, his mind was in turmoil. He was grieving and struggling with himself. He sought the comfort of his father.

"God job, is that what you expect me to say?!" The king yelled as he slapped the man. "Your majesty, we did as you asked! We tortured the queen and killed her!"

"You made my son watch! How am I supposed to teach him how to be a king when he's crying in his room like a little bitch! Because he's traumatized and grieving?!"

"We couldn't have fulfilled our job if we didn't hold him."

The king sighed before rubbing his temples. " Fine, now get out of my sight. You'll get payed and you'll disappear! Got it?"

"Yes your majesty, thank you your majesty." The man bowed with a sinister smile of his lips.

And Minho? Well poor Minho boiled with anger. That night he murdered that man in a fit of rage and thirst for revenge.

He was only 10 at the time, so for the next year he trained and worked on controlling his magic. He learned whatever he could.

Before finally killing his father. "If people can be evil and call me that while I've never done anything wrong. Then I'll give them want they want. I'll be evil, I'll be your scapegoat. The one you're gonna blame for all the wrongs you're gonna do. I'll be the evil king!" He made this vow to himself as he ascended the throne.

People were too scared to oppose him and thus he was the youngest king ever, more horrible then his father ever was. But of course people only talked good about him because his son was worse and he was dead.

Minho scoffed at the people their behaviour, how fickle their opinions are. He sought his refuge in the magical lands. He never felt like he belonged anywhere, but at least he belonged a little more there then with his own people.

Woah heavyish chapter aye. Also guys almost 700 reads? I appreciate it very much<3

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now