bonus 1

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Bonus 01


Now may we present to you King Minho! Ruler of Josea, he united both our people together and now I rightfully pass the crown to him as it's rightfully his." Jeongin said as he crowned Minho in front of everyone both human and supernatural.

Holdup that's not quite right now is it.~

"Oh for fucks sake where are those two?" Jeongin asked his husband as he was pacing around the room. "Baby language." Chan scolded him.

"They're probably fucking."


Hyunjin raised his hands in defence "WHAT?! Go ask Jisung if you wanna know but I'm just saying they're probably fucking right now."

Just then Jisung walked inside the room. "Jisung where are Minho and Jiae?" Jeongin asked.

"Oh yeah you'll have to wait a while. They are busy fucking each other again. I swear they are like wild rabbits who just keep fucking every five minutes." He exclaimed and Chan face palmed quite literally.

"Couldn't they have done that like earlier this morning or after the ceremony?! People are waiting! Even though I quite enjoy some good fucking and the thrill of being late. Now's not the time! They need to be serious and that's a lot coming from a fox." He ranted and the others agreed with his statement.



Everyone's faces turned slightly red at the fact she was that loud they could hear her. "Holy shit, they are like 5 rooms down. How is she this loud?" Jisung gasped shocked.

"Minho must be a good fuck to get her screaming like this."

"Hyunjin your arousal is showing man. I didn't expect it to be this sensual colour though." Jisung looked at his hair fondly.

"Stop! Jisung go inside their room and scare the crap out of them and tell them to hurry up."

"I'm not using my ability to change into a squirrel for that purpose." He muttered. "It would make me a perv."

"Ability to change into a squirrel? Oh right! I forgot you can actually turn into the small creature. It's just you're already so small and squirrel like it completely slipped my mind." He chuckled and Jisung huffed whilst rolling his eyes.

"You look like a ferret." He stuck out his tongue and Hyunjin gasped.

"Guys I hate to break up the flirting but we are running out of time." Chan stated.


"We aren't flirting!" Both exclaimed in union.

Both Chan and Jeongin gave them a look.

"I can't take this anymore I'll just go barge straight in! It's been 10 minutes already and they still haven't noticed us standing in front of their room talking." Jeongin said annoyed.

"I need to clean my ears after this." Hyunjin whined.

"Yeah well we hear everything so much better and louder so imagine how we feel." Jisung whined.

"Oh god Minho I'm so close. Don't stop fuck!"

The noise of the bed creaking and skin slapping only got louder and rougher.

"Hold it in, or we are going another round." Minho growled.

"NO!" Everyone outside yelled.

An eerie silence followed and shortly after the door opened with a fully dressed Minho. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked as he eyed everyone.

"You are late for your own coronation! We've been waiting here for over 10 minutes! Listening to you beating each other down like a bunch of animals! No offence me, hubbie and Jisung."

"None taken."


"That's offensive me."

Minho blinked in confusion at this weird dialogue Jeongin had with himself.

Just then Jiae appeared fully dressed and elegant looking. She tilted her head in ignorance and confusion.

"Apparently they've been listening to us fuck."

Jiae scrunched her nose. "That's rather invasive don't you think? But why are you guys here right now? We didn't even do anything. We were getting ready. We are already late."

"Don't play us for a fool. We heard you do the deed." Hyunjin exclaimed dramatically and Jisung just laughed.

"Guys let's just go, we can continue this later."


"Okay so I need to know how'd you get dressed so quickly and why doesn't Jiae limp like her whole body's been broken?"

"Hyunjin not exactly dinner topic for conversation." Chan mumbled.

Minho laughed and Jiae shook her head with a smile. "Magic." Jisung said and everyone blinked like he said something strange.

But it was really the most obvious reason.

"My queen is rather gifted in many many things." Minho stated and Jiae rolled her eyes playfully.

"My queen I love calling you this."

"That's not what you said last night, or this morning." She chuckled and Minho came closer to her and whispered in her ear. "I like calling you many things. Especially if it has the word my or mine in it. Because you are mine and tonight I'll show you once more."

Chan, Jeongin and Jisung whined. "Guys! Do you forget we have superior hearing?"

"Nope, just don't care." Minho smirked nonchalant. "Alright no need to go start a fight now Lee Minho. Behave or there won't be anything tonight." Jiae stated and Minho pouted at her.

Everyone laughed and joked around for the rest of the night.


I was planning to give y'all smut but I didn't feel like writing it when I started this bonus chapter so I opted for some comedy instead. See you next bonus chapter 🫶🏻

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