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Death, Melanie Martinez

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Chapter 23

"Are you sure we can win this?" The red haired asked his master.

The man scoffed. "What you think because little Minho fell in love that it will change the course of history? Fate is already set. The world will be made into my image."

He chuckled.

"He truly will be the downfall of his own country. Mother had such high hopes for him. Too bad he will fail. He can't even control himself."

"The queen was most certainly wise. Should we really not caution her faith in him?"

The man turned around with anger. "That woman was a fool! She got herself killed because she couldn't be cautious.  Which was perfect for my rise in the world."

"If she was still alive we might have had to worry."

"What about Minho? He already bested you today."

He growled. "Just because he bested me once doesn't mean he'll beat me. After all, he's already losing to me now. And he knows it. It was simply luck that he won."

"Then what about the girl? She's important for the battle to come."

"With how in love she is with Minho, my victory will be easy. However it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Go and throw her off balance." He smirked and the red haired nodded before disappearing.


The mentioned girl turns around and smiles at the familiar face. "Oh hey Hyunjin!" He came closer and greeted her with a smile.

"Why are you here? Why's your hair red?" She asked him and he just chuckled. "I'm here for you~" he sing songed and she chuckled at his actions.

"And my hair is red because I'm evil right now." He shrugged and she looked at him confused. "What?"

"You don't know do you?"

"Know what?"

"The full prophecy."

She shook her head. "Well you'll be in for a surprise. Anyways, I'm not here to hurt you don't worry. There's a time and place for that." He smiled and Jiae was beginning to feel creeped out.

"I'm here because you might cause us some problems on the battlefield later on."

She raised her eyebrow in question. "Stay away from Minho for now."

"Why would I do that? Not like I want to be close to him now anyways." She stated.

Hyunjin smirked. "Wouldn't want him to be distracted now, would we. You distract him in the bad way. He needs to be alone."

"So you can take him out easier?"

"No so he'll give up, loneliness is a good motivator." He giggled and Jiae glared at him.

"Why tell me all this, now you know I'll stay by his side right?"

"Oh I'm counting on it! Bye bye~" He smiled before disappearing again leaving Jiae seriously confused.

She immediately rushed to Minho's room. She knocked on his door but no response. "Minho? I know you hate me, but it's crucial you aren't alone!" She tried to convince him to let her in.

The door opened revealing none other then Chan. "Chan...? What are you doing here? Where's Minho?"

"He's not here Jiae, I'm sorry but he wanted to be alone. The battle is happening in a few days. He needed to be focused and he didn't want to see you. He sent me to tell you."

Her shoulders slumped. "He can't be alone Chan! Hyunjin, I mean evil Hyunjin told me that was his plan!"

Chan's eyes turned serious upon hearing this. "You saw red haired Hyunjin?"

She nodded her reply. "Then we don't have much time left I'm afraid."

"Chan what's happening? Why is Hyunjin evil and did everyone know?"

Chan sighed. "There's things we've kept from you Jiae, for your safety. But also because we needed to let life run its course. There's things Minho doesn't know either. We've kept things from the both of you. But I think it's time you know." He said before letting her inside the king's room.

"Sit down, because there's a lot I have to tell you."

She sat down on the bed, she could still smell Minho. He smelled nice to her. She loved this scent and wished she could always be enveloped in it.


The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now