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Red lights, stray kids

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Chapter 25

Jiae was in her room, it was dark but her head was still full on working. The gears kept turning hoping she'd find a solution to not have to kill the king.

She was sat on her bed in the dimly lit room. She was mumbling things when suddenly the curtains in her room blew and she felt a presence.

She looked up and stood up to close the curtains of her room. She let out a sigh. "I know you're there." No answer.

"Lee Minho show yourself. I know it's you."

Arms wrapped around her waist and a face nuzzled in her neck. "Hi, my love." He hummed, his breath sending shivers to her neck.

"Don't hi me, you didn't tell me. That I'd have to kill you!"

He kissed her neck. "Forgive me, I didn't know until Chan told me earlier today. But you'll find a way. I know you will, you're smart. If not then just kill me."

She turned around in his hold. "No! I'm not going to kill you Minho."

He sighed and rubbed her arms. "We can't be selfish Jiae. The fate of probably the whole world is at stake."

"Screw the world! I only want you."

"You're so cute, it's truly adorable. I wish nothing more then to be with you. But just in case, why don't we have a little fun together?" She gazed into his eyes and saw the lust.

She gasped. "You're such a horny man!" She giggled while Minho shrugged. They kissed, it was gentle but rough. They wanted no needed each other.

Their kiss turned heated and sloppy, saliva mixing with each other as their tongues glided together.

Minho's hands were all over her body. He pushed her on the bed. He hovered over her, looking into her eyes asking for permission. "Yes, please."

They took off their clothes and Minho admired her naked body in its full glory. He immediately left kisses all over. He cupped her breasts before playing with her nipples.

Moans left her sinful lips as she arched her back to get more of the feeling. Her folds were already soaking wet.

Minho placed kisses along her inner thighs before dipping a finger between her folds. He attached his lips to her clit sucking on it, swirling his tongue around it.

Her whole body shivered from pleasure. She whined as Minho added another finger, scissoring them to stretch her enough for him.

Her hands were in his hair, tugging at it and pushing his head deeper. She felt her high build up, she was close already. "Mm close." She moaned out and Minho continued his actions.

"Cum for me." He smirked against her as he continued his actions deep in her pussy with four fingers.

Her body trembled as she came all over Minho's fingers. He kept thrusting his fingers helping her through her high. Jiae was panting as she came down from her high.

Minho pulled out his fingers, giving her a gentle kiss. He rubbed the tip of his erection against her and he could feel her buck her hips to get some kind of friction.

Minho chuckled. "So needy~" he slowly but surely pushed his length inside her hole. Both moaning at the feeling.

Minho reveled in the tightness wrapped around his cock. Jiae felt so full. She was already addicted to this.

Minho gave her a few to adjust to this new feeling. "Move." She whispered and Minho obliged, slowly pulling out before pushing back in.

Steadily but surely increasing his pace as moans and skin slapping sounds could be heard.

Minho's thrusts were sharp and rough and both were moaning messes. Their highs were approaching fast because of the bliss they were feeling.

"Mm close!" She moaned out loudly.

Minho grunted as he sped up his thrusts even more. "Don't hold back, cum for me."

Her legs trembled as she felt the euphoric feeling of her high when she came all over his dick. Her walls clenched around Minho's dick, making him reach his high faster.

His thrusts were getting sloppy as he was near. "Fuck I'm gonna cum." He groaned.

"Cum inside me." She whined out at the overstimulation. Just hearing her say that was enough for Minho to release his load inside of her. He kept thrusting throughout his high before slowly pulling out and laying down beside her.

"Fuck, that was good." Jiae muttered exhausted. "You should take a bath. It will help you be less sore for tomorrow." Minho stated as he kissed her temple.

He helped her get into the bath. "I have to go now, I can't stay any longer." He sighed and she nodded sadly. She watched him walk out of the bathroom.

Once she was done with her bath she stared at herself in the mirror. Her skin littered with dark marks. She smiled at this before carefully making her way fo her bed to just fall down and pass out.


I loveeee confusing y'all, there may be 2 more chapters left, could be one. Who knowsss~

Also if the song wasn't a dead giveaway that this was going to be a smut. Idk what could besides the obvious smut warning. Lol, also it's been so long since I've written hetero smut, it feels weird to me sjsjd don't ask me why, it just does.

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now