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Doomsday, Jared Benjamin

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Chapter 4

When Minho came back to his room that might he found her asleep in the exact same position he left her in.

She's such an idiot he thought before going to his bed to sleep.

It's been a week since Jiae was imprisoned as Minho's pet. She been humiliated countless of times before his staff.

When he was eating breakfast he'd asked her to lick his plate clean like a filthy dog would do. He then had her grovel at his feet for his attention.

She couldn't refuse any of the commands given thanks to that stupid magical collar. She did however make friends with some of the staff there.

When Minho was busy he didn't like her to be near him so he let her go around the castle a bit. He enjoyed giving her freedom to then take it away again, while she oh so helplessly lets him. Not like she has much of a choice anyways.

Jiae has always been an overthinker, she would always get lost in her head at the tiniest inconvenience when it comes to people and how they treat her.

She hasn't seen her best friend Han since the day it all happened. She felt like she has been abandoned by him.

Before she could go any further in her thoughts her name was called by the person she despised the most. Well besides her parents that is, but let's not get into that.

"Jiae, come here pet." His voice full of authority and a hint of amusement in it. She got up and glared at him, unintentionally making her way towards him.

"Down." She was being treated like a dog. "Now kiss my shoes like the good dog you are." She grimaced. "Fuck you." She spat while her body was forcing her to obey.

She tried to withstand it and managed to actually spit on him before her body slammed down to kiss his shoes.

Minho was amused at her try to be defiant and go against his orders. However he couldn't let it slide. He grabbed ahold of her hair and yanked her face upwards.

She let out a groan and stared daggers at him. "You think you can defy me and get away with it pet?"

She chuckled. "It pleases me to annoy you." She smirked at his reaction.

"Don't think I won't kill you! You are just a nobody, a bitch without friends nor family that actually cares. Where are your friends? They aren't out their pleading for your case. They are enjoying their lives happily not that you're out of it. They are so glad to be rid of a useless nobody like you who can't even properly do what she's been asked too."

"Fucking shut up!" She yelled visibly mad. "You're just a pretend wannabe guy who's only king because people fear you. Not because you deserve it. You couldn't even get your own family to love you-" she was cut off by a slap to her right cheek.

She looked up at him, eyes slightly filled with fear. His eyes were dark, angry but she could also see hurt in them. She didn't expect it to be there, she saw vulnerability but it quickly faded.

"Guards go fucking keep this dog in the dungeons until I tell otherwise, only 1 meal a day." He growled as he yanked her hair once again pulling her face closer.

"If you know what's good for you, you best shut the fuck up and don't speak about what you don't know." His eyes were menacing.

Jiae was being dragged away to the dungeons. She was thrown into a cell and that's when she started breaking down.

She had barely slept this whole entire week, she's been constantly humiliated by him, she acts like she's fine but she's not. She's trying to survive but it's so hard.

She really can't take it anymore yet she has to pretend because she's getting under his skin. If she keeps doing so she might finally be free of him.

The worst thing that could happen would be death but even that she would whole heartedly welcome at this point. She was just so tired.

She sobbed to herself and fell asleep crying and hugging her frail cold body.


To say Minho was angry was an understatement. She had no right to say what she did. She has no idea what his life has been like.

"Really? You're such an ass Minho."

"Fucking shut up, I'm not in the mood."

"You didn't have to treat her that way you know."

"She asked for it." He stated visibly mad as he clenched his fist.

"Did she really?"

"Yes." He growled.


"She had no right to say what she did. Who does she think she is?!" He yelled at the man.

"You caused this yourself Minho! You provoked her first. She only defended herself because that's what she does. She's a fighter and she defends herself at any cost, any way! You should take your own advice and not talk about things you don't know!" The guy was also visibly angry at Minho for his actions.

"That's where you're wrong because I do know.  It's so obvious. Now fucking leave before I throw you in the dungeon with her. I'm sure she'd be happy to know that her best friend is walking around freely letting her suffer like this."

He scowled. "You're the one who's making her suffer hyung not me."

"And you're the one who's not stopping me in the slightest. Talk all you want Han, but you're just as bad in this as me. If not worse. A bystander who chooses not to lift a finger even though he's perfectly capable of it, is worse then the one inflicting it."

Minho had gotten Han there, but he couldn't interfere, not now at least. Not when everythings at stake. His head hung low in defeat. "I'm sorry Jiae." He muttered before disappearing once again.


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