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Doll, g-idle

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Chapter 7

A guard walked up to the cells and started opening them. "Get your asses up, you're moving." He told the other prisoners before stopping in front of Jiae.

He looked her over before opening his mouth to speak. "King wants to see you in his room. Get up and get moving." He said rather annoyed before Jiae rolled her eyes and got up.

Another guard following her to make sure she doesn't run off not that she could anyways. "Why are the others being moved?" She asked trying to ease some of this deafening silence.

The guard let out a sigh. "It's gonna freeze tonight." Was all he replied. Jiae cocked her eyebrow what does this have to do with her question.

"King's orders." He added before knocking on the door and letting her in once he heard a faint come in.

She sighed and walked into the room. She had an annoyed look on her face as she saw Minho standing in front of his mirror shirtless.

She gawked for only a second before regaining her composure. But that second was enough for the king to catch her. An ever present smirk on his lips.

"Careful you've got some drool." He remarked which made her blood boil.

"Fuck off." She spat rolling her eyes. This caused him to chuckle. "Always so disrespectful, haven't you learned by now?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. He walked over to her, his presence intimidating not that she would admit it.

She backed away until her back hit the wall. He inched closer trapping her. She had no way to escape as he brought his arms to cage her in.

She swallowed harshly, eyes daring to look into his to show she wasn't intimidated or nervous at all. She hoped he wouldn't see through her, wouldn't see her truth in her eyes.

"Show me some respect and it not get you punished." His voice boomed with authority and poise. His breath hit her face and it sent tingles all over her causing her to shiver.

He looked into her eyes with an knowing gaze and smirked. "After all, good girls behave no?"

Jiae rolled her eyes and shoved him. "Oh fuck you! Honestly you make my blood boil. Now just tell me what you want and get this over with." She stated annoyed.

Minho chuckled amused by how riled up she got. "There's this party tonight in a neighbouring kingdom. It's hosted by a friend of mine. He wants to offer me something I want only there's a catch. I need to bring a date with me."

"Okay and? Go find yourself some girl to take with you."

"I have, she's right in front of me."

"Oh hell no!" Jiae retaliated.

"Yes way. I own you remember? It's simple really. You just need to do everything I say."

"Why does it have to be me? You despise me! Why not take some hot whore or something?"

"Because they throw themselves at my feet.  It's not as attractive as they think it is." He gazed out of the window before returning his gaze to her with a sinister smirk. "You however, you run your mouth like the vulgar girl you are. It gets you into trouble but you don't seem to care about that. You don't like being told what to do not even by royalty."

He paused seeming to contemplate his words. "You stand by what you think is right. You keep me on my toes. It's interesting, you'll be far better entertainment for me to get through these dulls things then some cheap honourless whore." He finished.

"Yet you try to shape me into what you want me to be. But you forget I'm not some doll for you to play with! I'm not some thing you can control."

"And you forget that you are. Until your debt is paid off that is. As long as that chain is around you, you are my doll, I can play with it how I like." He said before snapping his fingers.

"You have no power Jiae. You'll never have power in my presence. You belong to me, until I'm done playing with you." He whispered into her ear before her body constricted.

The door opened and servants came with dressed, shoes, accessories and makeup.

"Make her look pretty. I do have some standards. Don't fail me." The king commanded as he put on his shirt before leaving his room to god knows where.

The servants bowed before they stared to work on Jiae trying their hardest to please their king. They feared him after all.

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now