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Chapter 19

"My father."

She patted his back urging him that it's alright and that he can speak about it.

"My father is the reason my mother's dead. He killed her." He whispered into the silence.

Small sobs escaped his lips as the memory was quite heartwrenching. "He was a cruel king, he was wicked.."

His cries became louder. "Shh it's alright Min. Everything's alright." She tried soothing him.

"I loved both my parents they were good to me, especially my mother. She wasn't human, my dad never knew though. But she was from the other world, the beautiful world filled with magic and what not. She absolutely loved it." He chuckled a little.

"My mother spend all her time with me, while my father was off doing kingly things, but in truth he was just riling up people to go and murder the supernatural creatures."

"My mother was horrified when she heard of this news, she distanced herself from him and focused on training me. To become what she wanted me to become. The bridge between the two species. The true king." He chuckled sadly.

"She always told me, I have a big role to play. This dumb prophecy just proves it. I will be the downfall of this kingdom."

He stared into the distance.

"My father had enough of my mother her taunting and remarks. He had her killed in front of me, after being tortured sexually. "

"I found out when I was grieving her death. So I wanted to kill him for everything he did to my mother. He just wanted my powers anyways. These stupid powers made me hated by everyone, it made my parents fight over me and eventually it caused their deaths."

"I became king and I wanted to rebuild this kingdom to it's glory and I did. I worked hard and did the things no one wanted to do. I was viscous in my rule to ensure peace. To make sure everything went according to plan."

"But what if... If I'm just a dictator like my father was? What if I'm worse then him? I don't know who I am anymore. I'm evil and I've always been!?" He cried out and Jiae's heart broke at the sight.

The boy sobbing in her arms was not the king she knew. This was Lee Minho, broken by his past and the world.

"I gave people what they wanted. They wanted an evil king so I became one. It was all a ruse but what if it's actually true?" He questioned her.

"Shut up! Listen to me Lee Minho, that's your name. That's who you are. You aren't your father or anyone else! You're you and always will be."

"You have a kind soul, you just have difficulty showing it. You don't like to be emotional or open up, you always pretend to bite when all you really do is bark. You always make sure people are alright and get what they deserve."

"Yes sometimes it may be in the extreme sense but you had to make an example so people would listen. Sometimes harsh measures are needed to rule and keep a kingdom afloat. But you aren't the cause of its downfall, your powers didn't kill your parents."

"They killed themselves, your father was a jealous wicked old man. He was power hungry and wanted everything for himself. It's what eventually got him killed. You can't keep killing people for your own gain and remain breathing."

"You Lee Minho, crowned the evil king by circumstance, are nothing like that. I've seen how the others all adore you. You are working hard to reunite us all again. You're even preparing to save the entire country from this impending war."

"This is my honest opinion about you. One I've only been able to create because of my punishment. Because I was/am stuck to your side I was able to notice all the little things you do, I could see the small crack in your stone face, showcasing how you truly felt. I didn't know the king, but my parents did and they always told the worst. They worked in the palace so they should have a somewhat honest and relevant opinion." She smiled slightly and Minho just looked at her.

Her hands cradled his face to try and wipe away his tears. Minho leaned into the touch. "Why are you so kind? After everything?" He whispered afraid to break the silence.

"Because it's what you deserve." She muttered as their faces inched closer and closer. Minho's eyes went down to her lips and hers went down to his lips.

Minho's breath hitched and he looked up to her eyes again. "Is..-" "Just shut up and kiss me already."

Enjoy ~
Also for those wondering, I'm still working on the skz Disney retellings. I'm just wondering if it's going to do well, bec they are 8 new books and that takes a lot of work. I'm thinking about publishing Chan's first and then the rest but what do you guys think?

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now