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Bad feeling (Oompa Loompa), jagwar twin
I'm obsessed with this song

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Chapter 3

Jiae was brought to the castle struggling along the way but even though the king was nowhere to be seen. His magic was still in effect. It was baffling to her to say the least.

She's heard rumours of him but she never really cared. She never saw him either, they never crossed paths until now.

She was being dragged through the halls, her body limp as she gave up struggling for now. She'd get out the moment they leave her be.

Only problem was they didn't leave her alone. The lead her up to a room, it was grand and spacious but not to much. It was rather humble which surprised her a lot. The king didn't look like someone who'd be having humble sleeping quarters.

A king sized bed with dark marine blue sheet on them. A desk littered with papers and a body length mirror next to a door that either led to his bathroom or wardrobe or maybe both, she didn't know.

The guards held her in the middle of the room. All that could be heard was the defeaning silence. It was an awkward atmosphere and Jiae's worries only grew more. She was beginning to fear what would happen to her.

Suddenly the door swung open and there stood the king Lee Minho. A devilish smirk on his face as per usual. His eyes went straight to her and that's when the guards released her. However she couldn't move even if she wanted to, her body was stuck like cement.

"Now." He started eyeing Jiae up and down. She felt disgusted and violated. He stepped closer to her and she glared at him. "Hm not bad."

"Fuck you." She spat what worse could her punishment be? She already insulted the King and humiliated him multiple times the same day.

A chuckle escaped the King. "Feisty, however you do deserve a punishment for humiliating me like that. You shall be my pet." He exclaimed making her mouth drop.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, don't pretend those ears of yours don't work Jiae."

"How do you know my name?" She asked bewildered.

"I'm the king, getting information is easy. Now it's not like you think. You're just gonna be at my bidding and I'll humiliate you every chance I get. Sounds fair no?" He asked her.

She quite literally spat in his face. "God you really think you can make me bow down to you and allow you to humiliate me?" She asked absurd thinking about that idea alone.

The king wiped his face disgusted by her boorish actions. He tsked before grabbing her by the collar of her shirt. She immediately got pulled closer to him, his eyes piercing hers.

"You think I'd allow a pathetic nobody like you to humiliate me and defy me? Well you've got another thing coming to you Jiae, because I'm not giving you a choice." He growled at her.

"I'd rather be dead then do that." She fired back gaze just as intense.

"Too bad that's not in the cards for you. Death is too good for you."

He snapped his fingers and she immediately felt something around her neck. Her eyes widened and her hands immediately went to it.

"Don't bother it's magic you can't get rid of it even if you tried, not even dying would solve it." He spoke with an amusing grin on his face.

"Who knew the rumours about you were true." She mumbled.

His eyebrows raised upwards before regaining their natural position. "Trust me sweetheart, the rumours are nothing compared to what I can do."

He took a step back and smirked. "Now bow to your king!" He stated and immediately she felt a weight pull her down. She was on her knees bowing down to this king in front of her.

"Perfect." Was all he said before turning.

"Oh and tell your little friend that if he doesn't want to die he'd better come and explain himself to me before nightfall. I'll be in my office. You can stay here like that or not. Do not leave this room." He said as he left the room.

Tears fell from her eyes as she finally grasped the situation. She was his pet, stuck forever. She was confused about his earlier request. "What little friend?" She whispered hoping for the answers to come to her but they didn't.

However the message got delivered as the little creature made its way to the king's office, watching as his dear friend sat there bowing like that until he came back.

The door to Minho's office opened and he knew who it was. "I knew you'd come. Now instead of hiding why don't you show me who you really are?" He questioned as he set down his pen.

Suddenly a boy appeared before him, he knew that boy. They met once a very long time ago. "You."

The boy smiled happy to be recognised by the king. "Hi Minho it's been a while."

"What do you want?"

The boy pouted. "Don't be like that, I came here for a reason. Part of that reason is already fulfilled."

Minho's face contoured into one of confusion. "What do you mean exactly? Don't think about hiding anything from me."

The boy chuckled. "You know that whole thing doesn't work on me. I know who you truly are Minho. You forget that, all I can say is Jiae, she's important so don't lose her alright? The rest I cannot tell you right now because you aren't open to it yet. You aren't seeing with your eyes yet."

"Always so fucking cryptic. Typical of your kind." Minho said annoyed. "Tell me then, how do I see with my eyes? Because I'm pretty certain I'm looking at you with my eyes right now stupid."

The boy grinned. "You know that's not what I meant min. Always the comedian. I'll be sticking around. Oh and be careful min. I've got a bad feeling about your advisor. Don't tell him what you did to Jiae." The boy pleaded and Minho just rolled his eyes.

"Why? Why should I care about a bad feeling you get about someone. I'm pretty sure that girl feels the same about me. Yet you're here talking to me, instead of freeing her." The boy's smile never left him.

Minho immediately caught on. "Oh you nasty little- You wanted her to be caught and into my possession didn't you? Now the only question is why."

"I cannot tell you that. Just don't tell your advisor okay, I'll be around bye bye." He waved before disappearing.

"The fuck." Minho muttered tired from this shit. "I'll fucking kill him the next time I see him."


The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now