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Prisoner, Miley Cyrus

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Chapter 6

The cold air blew through the lang halls of the dungeon. It created an eerie sounding sound. Jiae lay on the floor. She layed in a fetus position keeping her body close to her for warmth. She hasn't eaten in a few days. She was denied food but she did receive water so it wasn't the absolute worst.

The first night she spend, she was scared, scared of the wind that left an eerie sound in its wake when it passed through the halls.

Despite it being extremely cold in, it wasn't the worst place to be in.  She had a bed and a sink and toilet. She refused to lay on the bed because she thought the mattress would be rock hard. So she preferred the floor over the bed.

A guard walked up to her cell with a tray of food in his hands. "Eat." He said as he placed the tray in front of her.

"No. I wasn't allowed to eat."

"You are now, direct orders from the king."

"I'd rather starve then eat something." She muttered and closed her eyes before turning away from the guard.

The guard sighed before mumbling something incoherent and walking off. About 10 minutes later the door to the cell opened again.

"I fucking told you I'm not hungry!" She shouted angrily.

Suddenly she felt her head get yanked upwards. She came eye to eye with the king. "You're eating whether you like it or not."

She scoffed. "It's not up to you to decide whether I should eat or not. You do not own me."

He chuckled darkly. "I beg to differ." He came closer to her and whispered in her ear. "I do own you, I own every fibre of your being. It's all mine." A shiver went down her spine at his words.

She averted her eyes and he released her hair which he used to yank her head upwards. "Now eat, I need you alive." He said before bringing the plate of food in front of her.

She just stared at it. "I won't hesitate to feed you if you're gonna continue acting like a stubborn little kid."

"Why." She inquired hoping for some insight.

"Because I take care of my people. Despite what everyone thinks, I still take care of everyone. The life they've come to known is only stable because of me." He looked at the wall but his eyes were distant before he cast them on her again.

"Eat, I won't tell you again."

Jiae sighed before taking her cutlery and taking a bite from the food. Minho just silently watched her eat, making sure she didn't pull any tricks.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did."

She let out an annoyed sigh. "You know what I mean."

"Go ahead, but it doesn't mean I'll answer it."

"Why are you an absolute bitch one minute and the next you're like this." She gestured to him indicating she was talking about how he was acting right now.

Minho looked at her. "You certainly have a way with words." He rolled his eyes at her. "I have my reasons, they're not for you to know." Was all he replied.

"No? Because I think they are. I'm stuck with you until you decide otherwise. I want to understand you so we can at least get along, it will make this more bearable for the both of us no?"

Minho let out a scoff. "Understand me better? Get along? You must be really delusional huh? You're nothing but a pet to humiliate as a way to pay your debt off! That's all, we don't have to do anything. We aren't friends nor will we ever be anything remotely close to that, we won't have any type of relationship whatsoever. So get that through that thick skull of yours. You're nothing, a nobody, so stop this nonsense." He spat at her.

She scoffed audibly and rolled her eyes. "And here he is again, mister bitch jerkface. You put your walls to high Lee Minho, but one day someone will come along and break them all down till there's nothing left. And where will you be then hm? Get out, I'm done eating so you can stop wasting your time."

Minho got op without a word and left slamming the cell door shut. He was mad, mad at himself for not having a snide remark back at her.

He was in a foul mood and it was very visible. "Does it annoy you that she can see right through you Min?"

"Oh fuck off Han." Minho groaned frustrated.

"I won't, you know I'm sticking around. It's amusing to see how you both irk each other. You have a lot more in common then you think Minho." Han said before once again disappearing.

Minho grumbled before plopping down on his chair and working on the pile of documents he had laying on his desk wasting away.

He sighed at the all nighter he had to pull so he'd be done with this and have some days for himself. He looked forward to the rest he was going to fully enjoy.


Question would y'all be down for like Disney retellings ish stories with skz?? Like it's an idea of mine to make it into a series. Each skz member will be a Disney character but the stories will have some interesting twists and turns of events.

The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now