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Bones, sail north

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Chapter 24

Chan sighed before sitting down. "This isn't easy for me to tell and it's a lot for you to take in. You think you can manage not freaking out afterwards?" Chan asked and she nodded.

"I'll try my best to remain calm, so go on tell me."

"First there's things you must know to be able to understand. Minho's mother, she was the queen of our people. But as you know the king Minho's father, manipulated people into slaughtering us like we were nothing but pigs."

"The queen, who was young but powerful. She was very diplomatic so she'd set out to meet with the king. The king immediately fell in love with her. She was a real beauty after all. But he also fell in love with power, the power he could get from this marriage."

"He'd be king of both people. So he agreed to marry her and spare her people. But of course that was a lie. Because the king later on discovered he could take our paper for his own."

"So nothing really changed, but the queen still had hope. Then she got pregnant with Minho, but there were complications."

"Such as?" Jiae asked him and Chan sighed.

"Minho was a mix of both human and supernatural. He has a foot in both worlds yet doesn't really belong in any. His birth brought along a prophecy."

"Lee Minho would be king of both. He would bring about prosperity and growth, but he would be despised by his people. He would be accepted by the others but also feared. He would be born with great powers, comparable to none."

"He'd be able to many things with his powers. But people will fear and envy him. He will be an orphan at the age of 13 (I don't remember what age I've given him when he killed his dad sksk) and rule the kingdom from then on."

"He'd make peace with the supernatural and gain there support, but with all greatness also comes darkness and death."

"He will fall in love with a woman of common origin named Jiae, she will love him back and be his greatest downfall."


"I'm not done yet."

"Sorry, continue." She scratched the back of her neck sheepishly.

"She will be his greatest downfall for she will be his saviour. She will change the fate of the world. Because for every great power there will always be an evil counterpart."

"This evil counterpart will start a war, he will turn friend into foe. Recognisable by his red hair when foe Hwang Hyunjin, is vital."

"The war will fall three days after Minho and Jiae have kissed. This will be known by all, for the rose will whither and die signalling the countdown to the battle."

"There on the battlefield, all his greatest friends and his lover shall fight. But only one can stop the torment from continuing. His fate lies in her hands. She must kill Lee Minho to stop the war."

"What?!, why?" Her eyes widened at hearing the last part.

Chan looked at her with deadly serious eyes.

"Because Jiae, the evil counterpart is the evil side of Minho. The evil side of his magic. I told you there were complications around his birth. His father had pure evil aura while his mother had pure good aura."

"It's why Minho is so strong. He's the product of good and evil combined. The queen knew this, she wanted him to be good because she knew it wasn't his fault."

"He would've died at birth if not for the queen giving him her good aura. But of course the evil aura fought back and created an evil counterpart as to survive."

"It would grow with Minho and try to manipulate him into doing evil deeds. When Minho's father killed the queen, he was angry and his rage was used and manipulated by the evil counterpart, when he killed his father it's when Lee know was born."

"He used to be a shadow, but after killing his father. He became an actual entity that could take control of him and use him."

"Does he know?"

"He does, he knows he is to die for all this to end. It's why he pushed you away."


"I know him, he cares deeply for you Jiae, but he couldn't do that to you. He couldn't be with you only to end up dying in the end. The fate of the world is in your hands."

"But I don't want to kill him, there must be another way!" She was desperate.

Chan gave her a sad but encouraging look. "I hope you're right, we all love Minho and don't want to lose him. If anyone can save him it's you Jiae, we all believe that."

"I will save him."

"We're all counting on it, now we have a battle to prepare for. I must go, but I'll come back for you tomorrow." He patted her head , she gave him a small nod and he left.


The evil King /Lee Minho Where stories live. Discover now