"don't you have something more fun to do?" yn asked.
"what's more fun than studying on friday night?" that wasn't even a lie. [...]
"woah, you are way more lame than people give you credit for," she chuckled.
"yeah, all of this makes people think t...
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yn rested her head on the cold marble countertop, breathing deeply to calm herself. in a matter of minutes, the volleyball team would spill into her home.
yuuto was a huge help, he cleaned the house with yn to make it go faster, prepared rooms for his friends to sleep in case they wanted to (for the time being, the plan was to play games all night), and helped yn with groceries, making sure to get everything in case anyone had an allergy he didn't know about (yn knew they'd end up ordering pizza anyway, but it didn't matter, no food was wasted in their house).
everything was in order, and they weren't even her guests, so there was no reason for her to be that nervous.
still, if something went wrong, yn would blame herself because everything was always her responsibility.
a small hand brushed through her hair, and yn raised her head to look to her right, where chiyo was finishing her cereal with milk, as if she hadn't just petted her hair.
"hm?" yn hummed, smiling at her younger sister.
"you look sad," she said, puffing her cheeks.
kids were terrible in terms of honesty and how much they saw.
"i'm not, sweetie, just little tired." yn stood up to clean up the bowls on the counter.
hiroshi did not finish his cereal as usual, from what she could tell, he was upstairs with yuuto, so she wasn't concerned that she hadn't found him near the kitchen island. she didn't even notice when he left, that was the part which concerned her.
"are you sure?" chiyo asked, jumping off the stool.
"yes," yn nodded deeply and smiled.
the doorbell rang, and yn looked out the window, hoping to see her mom's boyfriend's car, but it was still not there, meaning that it was the guests.
"yuuto!" yn yelled, before opening the door to reveal a few members of the team. she had to give them credit for their punctuality. "come in." she moved out of the way to allow them to enter the house.
she could see that they reacted the same way kuroo did when he first saw her in casual clothing. was it really surprising that she was a normal person outside of school? probably.
"hi," kuroo said to her, and yn couldn't help but tilt her head in confusion. he opened his mouth to say more, but as more people entered the house, someone bumped into him, and he dropped it, not saying anything else.
were they friends now or something? they didn't need to be friends to greet each other, but it wasn't something she expected.
"hi," she said anyway.
katsu dashed downstairs and began greeting the team, intentionally deepening his voice. yn shook her head, they were making this joke too often to new people. it was funny, though, especially how kuroo had no idea, despite that he already met katsuki.