"don't you have something more fun to do?" yn asked.
"what's more fun than studying on friday night?" that wasn't even a lie. [...]
"woah, you are way more lame than people give you credit for," she chuckled.
"yeah, all of this makes people think t...
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between the second and third horror movies, when everyone started taking turns in the bathroom to change into their pyjamas, yn decided it was time to leave.
the next movie was a truly bad horror, so the group spent the entire time talking about actors or cgi, laughing and pointing things out. yn had a good time, but she wasn't used to such large groups of people who weren't her family, and the noise was a little overwhelming for her.
she didn't want to make a big deal about it, so she only told yuuto that she was going upstairs, taking advantage of kuroo's leaving to the bathroom. she couldn't leave while he was there because if he asked her to stay a little longer, she probably would.
yn couldn't enjoy comfort of her own room for too long. akari walked in without knocking, which was ironic given that she would kill anyone who did this to her in her room. yn tried to be mad at her sister for it, but she couldn't bring herself to care, it's not like she was doing anything in her room that no one should see, right?
"he's cute," were the first words akari said.
"who?" yn asked, sighing. the last thing she needed right now was akari crushing on any of the guys on yuuto's team, because, first and foremost, half of them were too old for her younger sister, and second, yuuto would hate it. she looked at akari, who simply wiggled her brows. "kuroo?" she asked, the first person who came to mind.
"so you agree? he's cute, right?" she chuckled and jumped onto yn's bed, where she was already lying.
"he's too old for you," yn replied, avoiding the question.
"ugh," akari groaned and dropped her face to the bed, disappointed. "yuuto told me he likes you, so i came to gossip."
yn laughed quietly. of course, one of the few times when akari wasn't hostile or angry with her was used to talking about boys and gossip. yn learned to cherish those moments, having silly conversations with her sister, even though the next morning she would most likely be bitching at her again.
"yuuto told you that?"
"yeah, but you know how yuuto is... i needed to see it on my own eyes."
yn had no idea what 'how yuuto is' meant in that context, but she figured akari was just trying to insult his love life or something.
"did you see it?" she asked, before biting her tongue.
"girl..." akari said, barely containing her gasp.
their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. yn quickly invited the person inside.
"ln-san," sawaya began, gathering courage to say more. "could i borrow a hair tie? or a hair clip? i thought i had some in my bag, but i can't find any."
"yeah sure, no problem." yn got up right away and went to one of the drawers to look for the small bag of new hairties.