"don't you have something more fun to do?" yn asked.
"what's more fun than studying on friday night?" that wasn't even a lie. [...]
"woah, you are way more lame than people give you credit for," she chuckled.
"yeah, all of this makes people think t...
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"why does he look like that?" kai asked yaku quietly, nodding to kuroo.
everyone could tell he was having trouble because he was twitching more than usual and jumping whenever anyone mentioned yuuto.
now that they were practicing, it was even worse.
yaku sighed and got up from the bench to approach kuroo, ignoring kai's obvious disapproval. he did not ask him quietly to now watch yaku repeat it louder and directly into kuroo's face...
"hey, what's wrong with you?" he asked, kicking kuroo's shoe to get his attention, as if standing in front of him wasn't enough to get him to stop thinking.
"me?" kuroo laughed nervously, but yaku's quick 'don't give me any bullshit' look stopped him from acting as if he had no idea what was going on. "last time i tried to talk about this with you, you laughed at me."
"i won't laugh this time," he promised, sitting next to kuroo. "tell me."
"i was- hanging out a lot with yn during summer break, we were basicly picking up her yourgest siblings from summer school and just walking to spend some time together almost everyday, right?" he gave yaku a quick look to see if he was following. "so, one day her dad asked yn to come to his company, because he needs something from her, it's not the point, please don't ask, it doesn't matter," he said as soon as he saw yaku open his lips. "so i offered to babysit them, untill their dad can pick them up, right?"
"her dad asked her to leave the kids now so he can get them later?"
"damn it, yaku." he flicked him on the forehead. "dad from company is yn's dad, he lives in osaka, and he needs yn to send him things from branch in tokyo."
"why?" he asked, rubbing his forehead.
"it doesn't matter." kuroo waved his hands, because as much as he loved yaku, he wasn't going to gossip with him right now, he just needed to get to the point, because if he went off topic now, they'd never get back to it. "the dad who would pick up the kids is yn's mom boyfriend, because the mom and dad from company are divorced."
"couldn't you just said stepdad?"
kuroo groaned into his hands.
"i don't know if he is the stepdad of those little kids or biological dad, they call him dad so i called him dad, it's not the point yaku!"
"you can't talk in riddles and expect me to not ask!"
"don't talk, listen. when the dad, stepdad, mom's boyfriend picked them up, he asked to speak with me about yn."
"woah." yaku put his hand over his lips, terrified at the thought of talking about a girl with her dad alone.
"yeah, it was alright, he just asked if i'm serious about her, anyway, before he said that, he told me that yuuto told him thing or two about me."
"ah." yaku nodded deeply, realizing what the whole deal was about. "yuuto!" he stood up and waved to the first year, who was sitting at the opposite end of the gym as lev. kuroo tried to grab him and sit him down, but yaku slipped out of his grasp like a slippery snake. "kuroo wants to talk with you," he said as he approached.
"what's up?" yuuto asked, standing in front of kuroo, who received a pat on the back from yaku before running away.
kuroo looked up at yuuto and opened his mouth, not sure how to start. was it the best approach to ask about what he had told jun about him? maybe he was just talking about him because they were teammates? but then, he would have to explain in what context he sait it-
"i like yn."
"yeah, i know." yuuto shrugged his shoulders and sipped from his water bottle.
"seriously?" kuroo was almost deflated by the response.
"yup, you're not the most mysterious person," he chuckled. "oh, sorry, was i supposed to not know?" he asked, stressing that he may have revealed kuroo's biggest secret aloud.
"yeah, i thought i was more slick about it..."
"then i don't know," yuuto replied quickly, clearing his throat. "you like yn?" he gasped, making kuroo laugh. "oh my... that's... woah... that's cool man, but i would never guessed."
"thanks," kuroo said, chuckling. "so... are you okay with that? i'm sorry if it sounds weird or something, but i feel like i have to get some kind of blessing from you, because we are friends, you two are really close, and you know her better than i do, and i just-"
"i'm happy it's you."
"is that enough of a blessing? it's my first time doing that. actually, i never thought i'd be doing that, yn never seemed to be interested in having a boyfriend, but then you came in and she's a lot happier and talks about you a lot, and then tries to act like she doesn't have a crush on you at all, but akari pulls her tongue a lot, so it's pretty obvious that she's into you- she would actually kill me if she heard that, so forget about what i said."
a rock fell from sawaya's heart somewhere in the gym, because she wasn't the only one who had exposed kuroo to yn, since yuuto had done the same in reverse.
"yuuto," kuroo called out, as yuuto was already a few steps away.
"yeah?" he asked, his gaze fixed on kuroo's slightly flushed cheeks.
"don't ask why i ask that, but what are yn's favourite ice cream?"
next chapters are going to be so full of yn and kuroo being cute together i can't wait to post them