"don't you have something more fun to do?" yn asked.
"what's more fun than studying on friday night?" that wasn't even a lie. [...]
"woah, you are way more lame than people give you credit for," she chuckled.
"yeah, all of this makes people think t...
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kuroo was on a mission. nothing could stop him.
well, nothing except kimura ryuiji.
he had no idea what it was about that guy that made him so scared, but he scared him with a single look in his direction. maybe it was the leather jacket he threw over his uniform blazer or the beginning of his beard, which he has been trying to grow for as long as kuroo can remember. kimura wasn't even bigger or older than him, to be honest, he probably won in terms of overall size. he just had this aura... as if he could ruin someone's life or ability to walk.
kuroo did not see kimura anywhere that day, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
his plan was to sit with yn during lunch break, politely thank her for allowing him to sleep in her room, and ask for her phone number so they could arrange meetings for more tutoring or maybe call each other and talk about chemistry or whatever yn was struggling with at school.
what was his deal in this? none. would it take away from his free time? it would.
he just felt inspired to do something for yn because, from the moment he met yuuto, he saw that she was always doing things for others and never taking anything for herself. maybe he was wrong, he hoped so, because everyone should give and take, and he hoped to learn more about yn soon.
there was no kimura in sight, just yn sitting alone in the cafeteria, as she usually did. kuroo breathed a sigh of relief as he passed by his friends, nodding to them and leaving them stunned. until they saw where he was going.
"no way," yaku exclaimed, turning his entire body toward kuroo. "you saw that?" his gaze shifted back to kenma, who was looking somewhere other than everyone.
"i see that," kenma said, looking at kimura, who was also heading to ln's table.
everyone close to kuroo knew that he would rather die than interact with kimura.
"hi," kuroo said, sitting down on the bench next to yn, who looked startled by his presence. "sorry, i should announce myself better," he chuckled as she slipped her headphones off her head.
"yeah, heads up would be great," yn said, putting her headphones back to the backpack.
before kuroo could say the most smooth line in which he would ask yn for her phone number ('i could if i had your phone number', how good was that?), kimura took the seat on the opposite side of yn.
"what's up?" he said to yn, nodding at kuroo to acknowledge his presence.
"nothing is up," yn sighed, almost deflating like a balloon as kimura entered her presence. "do you want something?" kuroo felt like he had won a battle he had created in his head when she asked him that question. yn looked eager to deal with kimura as soon as possible so that she could get back to him.
eat this, kimura.
"woah, am i interrupting something?"
"i'm not in the mood for this today," yn said, and after thinking about it for longer than two seconds, she realized she said it every time ryuji saw her. but, it was true, she was never in the mood for his stupidity. "go away, or i'll kill you," she said between bites of her bun.