"don't you have something more fun to do?" yn asked.
"what's more fun than studying on friday night?" that wasn't even a lie. [...]
"woah, you are way more lame than people give you credit for," she chuckled.
"yeah, all of this makes people think t...
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kuroo barely touched the doors before they opened, revealing a young boy behind them.
not what he expected, but neither did he expect ln to live in such a large house. it had three floors and a large yard, which was unusual for japanese standards, but the entire neighbourhood looked like that. it was far from the city center, so he had to ask his mom to drop him off, and she seemed as weirded out as he was, given that neither of them had ever visited this part of tokyo.
"hi, is ln home?" he asked carefully, after the boy had been staring at him for a good minute.
"i'm ln," he replied immediately, raising his brow as if he were challenging kuroo or something.
kuroo had no experience with children. his family was small, and he only had two or three second cousins with children, but they were still newborns, so even if he were closer to that part of family and could see the newborns face to face, it wouldn't help him deal with children who could speak.
"i meant yn," he explained awkwardly.
"yn is home." kuroo could clearly see that this little guy was a ln after he crossed his arms on his chest in the same manner as ln he knew.
at least now he knew he had the right address.
"what did i told you about opening door for strangers?" they heard ln-the right ln-from inside, and kuroo saw a little guy being pulled back by his shirt collar.
kuroo was taken aback when he saw ln in casual clothes and loose hair instead of the two braids she usually wore to school. he knew she wouldn't wear a uniform at home, but seeing her so casual in her own home felt strangely friendly, and they were not friends.
"he's not a stranger, he knows you!" the boy tried to save himself, even looking to kuroo as if he could help him.
"he could know me and still want to kill me," yn huffed, opening the doors wider, kuroo took this as a sign to enter the house. "i'm taking away your privileges to open the doors untill you're eighteen, kenji." she pointed a finger at the boy, who scrunched his brow and attempted to bite the finger that threatened him. yn let out a breathy laugh and pushed kenji away by his forehead. "we're going to my room," she said, nodding for kuroo to follow her.
maybe the yn who baked cookies and made yuuto lunches for school really existed, because she no longer looked scary, and she barely appeared capable of being mean. this little guy was probably her brother, which wasn't as surprising as yuuto's existence now that he knew she had siblings. two younger brothers seemed fun.
"what will you do?" kenji asked.
"study," yn replied.
"akari said she was going to study with her friend too one time, but they weren't studying," he said, keeping an innocent expression.