"don't you have something more fun to do?" yn asked.
"what's more fun than studying on friday night?" that wasn't even a lie. [...]
"woah, you are way more lame than people give you credit for," she chuckled.
"yeah, all of this makes people think t...
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how can an ice cream shop run out of cookies and cream flavor?
kuroo refused to admit it, but for a brief moment, he panicked because, oh god, hiroshi wanted this exact flavor, and what was he supposed to do now? he looked at the girl standing with the scoop on the other side of the counter, wondering if it would be embarrassing to ask her if they had it in stock in the freezer or wherever they kept ice cream that wasn't on display.
it seemed that it was worse news for him than for the little boy, who simply asked for another flavor he saw on the display.
it took some self-control not to say 'what?' with the most shocked expression ever. he went through the five stages of grief for nothing?
kuroo had no idea how children worked, but he expected them to throw tantrums or something similar when they didn't get what they wanted.
one thing that did not surprise him was that children were messy while eating. chiyo was about to turn into smuf with how much blue ice cream she had on her cheeks, and he wasn't looking at her for a second.
he could swear that he heard a lady passing them say something nasty about teenage parents while he was wiping chiyo's face. it made him wonder how many times yn was mistaken for a mother while walking with her younger siblings. probably a lot, since she exuded a comforting aura rather than a cool older sibling aura. she was a cool older sibling, probably the coolest he'd ever seen, but he assumed that was not what stangers saw when they looked at her.
with how careful kuroo was, watching the twins and keeping them safe while walking back to his house, he refused to pick up the phone and text his mom about what was about to happen. that's what people always said, they just looked away for a second and their child was gone.
he wasn't going to take chances.
his mom loved children. how sad was this woman when her sister's children grew into teenagers? no words could explain.
kuroo believed the twelve and fourteen-year-old cousins were still children, but what does he know? his mom was always right.
he let the twins in first, and before he could close the door, they had already taken off their shoes. it was amazing how well-behaved those kids were, he expected at least one of them to ask for help. chiyo even reminded her brother to put his backpack close by, against the wall, as he assumed that was where they would leave it at their house. hearing his mom's voice from the kitchen, he decided to go there first.
"are you hungry?" he asked, pinching hiroshi's cheek as he grabbed his pant leg to stay close. the boy quickly nodded, and his sister did the same, probably not wanting to stand out.
"tetsuro?" his mom's eyes widened when she noticed that her son was not the only one entering the kitchen. after the question, she guessed it would be morisuke or kenma, or maybe yn. god, she hoped it would finally be yn, one car ride and a meeting at the store wasn't enough, and tetsurō wasn't talking about her as much as she would like. his friends, on the other hand, had plenty to say. "where did you got the kids?"