What happened!?

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"1... 2... 3... 4... 5...... 50... Mumma, can I come in?" asked the little girl who was playing hide and seek with her mother. But there was no reply.
A beautiful young girl with long black hair and big brown eyes suddenly woke up and screamed, "Mom!!! ...Damn it, not again. Aghh, my head! What happened at that time? Where did you go, Mom.."

"Good morning Alisa," a small sparrow greeted the girl.

"Peggie! Good morning, Let me freshen up, then we will go to work, okay?" she replied with a smile. "OK, till then I will bring others too!" Peggie said as she flew away.

After freshening up, she locked the door and then left her home for work. Her workplace was a little bit far from her village, so it took some time to get there.

Author's POV:

Let me introduce you to Alisa (till she reaches the destination), the main character of this story. Her village was destroyed in a matter of seconds, leaving her alone in the world to suffer. As she grew up, she found a job and a place to eat. The people there were kind, and she got close to them. Aunt Maya and Uncle Jackson, the owners of the place where she worked, were the only people she knew after that incident. And yeah... She can understand animals.

POV ended

After walking for an hour, Alisa finally arrived at her workplace, a garden. She ran towards her Aunt Maya for a hug and greeted her with a cheerful "Hi Aunt, good morning! How are you?" Aunt Maya, who was busy feeding the pigs, replied with a smile, "Hello Allie, good morning! We are doing well, as always. And, I see you're doing great, too!" Alisa then noticed the pigs and exclaimed, "Oh hello little friends, you guys look happy!" The pigs, munching away on their food, replied in unison, "Yes, we are great, Alisa."

As usual, she spent the day working or we can say playing with her animal friends such as birds, horses, and pigs.

Author's POV:-
Hey there, everyone! This is the end of the first chapter of my story. I'm sorry if this came out of nowhere, but I would really appreciate your support since this is my first attempt at writing. Please sorry for any errors in my English, and don't worry because this is only the beginning ;).

Thank you, and goodbye for now! Bye bye 👋🏻

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