Untold Past...

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"I wonder how Blaze doing, I kinda miss him now. It has been quite long since he went away like that." Hunter said while cooking lunch for Luke, Luna and Goliath.

"Hunter, I always see whenever there is anything about Blaze, you always give the favouritism vibe like he is the special one." Luna asks while patting Aurora. "Yes obviously, he is Hunter's favourite since he was kid." Luke said as he was just lying on his couch.

"Haha, is it really like that?" Hunter laughed, "Well, he was the second member to join me after Luke, but you could say he had caught my eye long before that." Lost in his thoughts, Luna brought him back by shouting, "Huh! You were a creep? Watching a kid like that?"

"Huh! No no not like that!" He defends himself and starts facepalming. "He was in the limelight for his potential that time that even demons came for him." He smiles. "Wait wait wait wait! That's... I am speechless now." Luna was surprised.

"Yes, now you know right why I was following him. First because of his potential of course and second because I didn't want him to go into wrong hands." He says while serving food. "Here you go enjoy.

"Now I want to know his past. Please please please lord Hunter tell me!!" She was buttering him.

"Yes please Hunter, even we don't know anything about him." Luke too requested to know Blaze's past. "If all want, I want it too Hunter so please now don't say no." Goliath too said it so now he can't say no.

"Well, even Blaze doesn't know that I know about his past. He saw me during that incident..." He stopped. "What happened?" Luna asks.

"Blaze, please." She again requests. Blaze sighed and then turned away because he didn't want to face anyone while telling about his past life.

"I was 12 years old...when that happened..." He was stumbling talking about his past. "Blaze... Take a deep breath and then say it all in one flow, it will help you." She tries to calm him.

"OK fine then hear carefully." He takes a deep breath and then starts.

A.N.:- Let's... start... Blaze's past...

"Blazie, where are you, my son?" A beautiful woman was calling for her son. "Hehehe! I won't tell you, mom!" A 10-year-old little Blaze shouts while hiding.

"Aw! My son isn't coming to me what should I do now!?" She was slowly going to the place he was hiding. "I guess I am going to cry as I am left alone here and my son hates me." She starts fake crying.

"Noo!" Little Blaze came out from his hiding place, "I love you, Mom! Don't cry!" He starts to wipe her mother's tears which came for real seeing her son like this and then she hugged him. "I love you too, Blaze."

After a while, a young man came with a 16-year-old boy. "You started to cry again, Lily. Well I know he is cute but crying every time looking at him isn't it too much." He patted both little Blaze and his mother Lily. "Welcome home dear, how was your day?" Lily stood and brought water for her husband and took her second son for a hug.

"It was great, our son doing great work as well." He drinks water taking little Blaze on his lap.

"Oh really! Jim, you helped your dad?" She asked patting him. "He is lying, I mean he makes me do nothing and just sit and watch him doing everything right." He starts to pout. All giggles with that. "That's because he doesn't want his sons to do anything as long as their mother and father are here." She kissed on his forehead.

- "And like that, we lived 2 more years happily... But then something happened that changed my life." Blaze said while a tear dropped from his eyes but he wiped it. "What happened then, Blaze?" She asked. -

"Happy birthday Jim!" James, Blaze and Jim's father, wishes his son giving him a gift. "Woah! It's a real sword!!" Jim said as his father is a blacksmith so he usually gives them something new every year on their birthday and this time he gave Jim a real sword.

"It's not fair! I want a weapon too!' little Blaze started to cry. "Aw... What you want my Blazie?" His mother asks him. "I want something that can protect my family with anything!" He said posing like a hero and everyone laughed watching him like that.

After enjoying for some time it was time to go to the shop. "Ok then I am going Lily, Blaze and Jim. Take care of yourself." James said but Jim came to him, "Now I'm 18 years old already so I can help you as you said every time Dad." Jim said confidently.

"Hey dear, I don't feel like you should go today." She said worriedly. "What happened Lily? Any problem?" James asks cupping her face. "I am not getting any good vibes. We all know that where you going is an open place, what if those demons or angels attack you." She said as she couldn't look directly into James's eyes.

"Till now we survived as we have our fighters, those revolutionaries, so they will still protect us na." James patted her and kissed her forehead, "Listen I know you had this feeling for a long time and this time too we will come back safe and sound, ok?" He continued.

"Ok fine, I don't think I can win against you." Lily said pouting by which James started laughing while hugging her and bid farewell.

- "And that was the last farewell we had together..." Blaze said and after seeing the shocked-worried look on Alisa's face he sighed and continued.-

"Mom, I want something too." Little Blaze jumps on her mother's embrace. "Aw... What you want Blazie?" She was looking at her husband and Jim going but got distracted by Blaze.

"I will love anything you give me, Mom." He gives the warmest smile which Lily needs for now. She hugged him tightly. "Ok, baby I will teach you how to make a beautiful clip which your father gave me when we first met. I hope you will get someone to adore then you can give them too."

"But, Mom!! I adore you!! I love you!!" Blaze hugs her. She patted him, "I know you won't understand right now, you are just 12." She giggled. "Now you teasing me." Blaze started pouting.

- "I saw some demons kill a man and his kid." Hunter said and everyone was shocked. "They were Blaze's father James and his older brother Jim." He continues, "I couldn't help because of the curse I got. I just watched it happen..." He said in a low-weak voice while getting broke and then continued. -

"I can sense that power from not so far place." "Then let's go fast and take it as ours to defeat those creepy angels." Some demons started to talk after killing father and son.

While Lilly was teaching little Blaze how to make a clip, she got some strange feelings and she hid Blaze behind her as fast as she could. "This is the place." "Yeah, I can sense it." "It's overpowered, is it coming from that woman?" A bunch of demon soldiers reached in front of Lily.

"Mom! What happened!?" Little Blaze said getting afraid. "It's ok Blaze everything will be ok, don't worry." She said while a tear dropped from her eyes.

- "The time I reached there, they already got attacked..." Hunter said clenching his fist. -

Author's POV:-
Hey guys so this is it for now the past is really long that's why it will take one more chapter. Hope you like it and please comment and tell me how was it. As they are my written characters and stories, I am literally crying xD. Well, I hope you enjoyed it, see you in next one. Bye Bye 👋🏻

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