The last wish...

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"Huff! Huff!" Lily was breathing heavily. "Mom! Mom, please wake up!" Little Blaze was shaking his mom's body. "I'm... I am okay, Blazie," she said, coughing blood but still smiling for her son.

"(Voice of clenching fist) What should I do? Why am I so worthless? I can't save anybody!" Hunter cursed himself while watching little Blaze and his mom.

"I have a question, Hunter," Luna said, saddened by the story he was telling. "Why exactly can't you help that little boy?" Her eyes were filled with tears as she asked the question. "(Sigh) I was cursed by someone..." he answered. "Wait, wait, wait! What!? Why!?" She was shocked.

"Because he helped humans and misused his powers from their perspective," Goliath answered Luna. "I was cursed from the beginning I was expelled from my race." Luna was shocked and saddened, realizing she was the only person on their team who didn't know this, while the others sat in silence.

"What was the curse exactly?" she asked. "He can't use the angelic powers he had since birth," Luke answered, gesturing for Hunter to continue the Blaze past. -

"Mom! Please don't leave me, Mom!" He starts crying.

"So that's coming from the kid." One of the demons said. "Let's take him to our lord." Another said.

The moment they approached little Blaze, a sudden force pushed them back. "Back off!" Hunter intervened, visibly furious. "Don't you dare get close to this boy!" he warned.

"Wh- who are you...? Cough!" Lily asks in a low voice. "Sorry, I was late to help...but don't worry I won't let anyone lay even their eyes on him." He said while getting breathless.

"I don't know who you are, but please keep my Blaze safe... (cough) And take him with you," she said, catching her breath. But Hunter cut in, "Don't worry, I will save you too. I won't let anything happen to you guys." He said, knowing she wouldn't survive.

"He is one of the revolutionaries! How in the lord one of them still survived!" Those demons start panicking. "I guess we should attack as he hasn't got that much power otherwise we would have been killed." Those start to smile creepy and plan to attack Hunter.

Hunter realised that her false pressure got caught and these demons were not ordinary he couldn't kill them alone. " really are one of the revolutionaries... thank you for coming...please save him and-" Lily got interrupted again, "I told you na leave it to me! Just stay calm otherwise you will..." Hunter was feeling so helpless.

"(Coughing blood) Just hear my last words..." Hunter got one tear in his eyes while little Blaze was still crying badly, she continued "It's too much to ask but...(Cough)... Let my cute Blazie in...make him join you...I want him to revenge all of us himself... I want him to conquer them...make him strong enough to avenge his family...and to protect himself and others who he will love in future... please it's my last wish........."

She was gone in between her last wish... Hunter closes his eyes as her life presence gets erased. " Mom. Mom! Mom!! Mom!!!!!!!!" Little Blaze screams as he can't feel his mom's warmth anymore. He screams hard enough to make everyone standing there bow because of the pressure.

"What the heck!" "What a pressure." "Let us attack them fast!" Those demons stood and were about to rush when a light beam flashed upon that place.

"Roar!!" A big wolf, approximately the same height as Hunter's 7'5 feet tall, with white fur, roared in anger. Hunter realised that it is Blaze's partner and the thing he unlocked it at this early age was out of the context.

Blaze became the youngest ever to get a partner.

But when he looked at Blaze he was knocked off by the shock and sadness. "I am sorry Blaze... I won't forgive myself for this..." He said and began to attack those demons with the wolf.

- "Did you defeat them all with the help of the wolf, which is named Ragnar now, you mentioned?" Luna asks, her tears still flowing. "Yes, I had to erase their existence because if they had told the seniors, Blaze would have been in danger," Hunter explains.

"So... getting a partner at that early age when he doesn't even know his powers... You saying he is stronger than me!?" Luke said getting all fired up yet sad by the story.

"Well in powers and talent, you both are the same to each other, as you both have too much skills and experience in fighting too. That's why I consider you both as rivals you know." He was proud of both like their father.

"You and Blaze bot got Radiant saber(dual sword) and Eternity's Bane(scythe) at the age of 15. Hunter remembers Luke about that time.

"Then what happened, Hunter?" Goliath asks and Hunter begins to tell them.

"I took him in after that incident. At first, he was just crying for his family but then suddenly after a year he came to me and said something I will never expect from a kid." Hunter was feeling too emotional as he was lost in that time.

"And then you train both of us together. From here I know everything too." Luke said proudly.

"After a year finally I came from the room I locked myself in." "Blaze... I am sorry to hear all of that... I don't know if I did right asking you about your past or not..." Alisa bowed her head in regret and sadness.

"It's ok Alisa, as you said now I feel lighter." He tried to lighten the atmosphere. "But... Sorry, I have one more question." She asked.

"Ask." He said. "Tell me why Hunter said that you don't talk or stay beside any woman. I mean didn't your mom say to find someone." She asks.

"That's my own decision. Because I see my mom in every girl so I can't fight them. I didn't get to know what love really is so I got uncomfortable beside them that's all... You are the second, after Luna, I talked this much or got opened up." He said grabbing his Eternity's Bane.

"Aww now I am flattered as first I got this beautiful clip and then this beautiful words. She said giving him a warm smile. "Sigh! Ok now back to training only 2 days more then you will be good at these." He said changing the topic.

"Pam, go your parents must be waiting for you." He said strictly where Pam was crying hearing Blaze's story. "Oops, he was here too right? Poor boy." Alisa patted Pam then they sent him to his village as it was night already and then continued their training.

Author's POV:-
So finally Blaze's past is over... comment me and tell me how was it. I think I made some mistakes but as it is my story no one will know what I did xD. But still, tell me if I did something or left something. Alisa's first training will end in the next chapter, anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Bye Bye 👋🏻

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