Trust me!

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After Hunter chooses Blaze to train Alisa in all the basics of martial arts, both of them go somewhere else which according to Blaze is good for these types of training.

"Huff! Huff! So that's what you meant by good for training!!" Alisa questioned Blaze while trying to protect herself. "So what's wrong with it? I am practically teaching you." Blaze said while hitting a demon who was about to attack Alisa.

"But it's just two days since we came here, how can I fight day and night already!?" She shouts at Blaze. "The first lesson you have to learn is, not to talk between fights, Hyaa!!" Blaze cuts four demons in a single blow.

"Finally," Alisa caught her breath after the fight ended, "It ends." "You did better than yesterday this time." Blaze said while giving her a water bottle. "So this is the training you giving a 'new to this' girl." Alisa starts complaining.

"Well when we arrive here, I teach you how to swing and hold your weapon. There's nothing to learn before you know that, right?" Blaze starts to pat his scythe, like loving her.

"I thought, when the next day we got attacked, that it was raiding and we got caught now. But I didn't know that they came here every day!!" She mumbled herself but in a way to shout at Blaze. "Stop complaining now, they will come again tomorrow. I will teach you the third lesson of the training now."

"Ok ok, I am in." She said stood from the place. "What were the previous lessons I taught you?" He asked while getting up.

"Lesson first, not to talk rubbish during fights, even if it is a friendly battle." She said proudly. "And you broke that rule today too." Blaze said sighing, "OK next?"

Alisa pouted and then continued, "Lesson second, hold the sword and make it a part of yourself, swing like your hands and hold it tight and dare not to lose it." She said in the same voice as Blaze to tease him but he remained the same and didn't budge.

"You did that better than yesterday, Good." He praises her which makes her shocked. "Thank you." She gave a happy smile. "Don't get happy so soon Alisa." He put his scythe aside and signed her to do it too.

"I only know three of martial arts. They are Taekwondo, Kung fu and kickboxing. Yes they are empty hands martial arts but they not only make you stronger in offence, they will also make you stronger in defence."

"I am ready." Alisa said as she didn't want to delay anymore. "Good, so let's start with Taekwondo." They both start their training.

Here both were training but the remaining members of the Radiant Guardians were in a killing spree.

"Aaand that's the last of those demons, phew!" Luna said and fell on the ground. "Aww, my Luna baby fell down. It's all Luke's fault he wanted to go on a killing spree and it's like 5th group which we killed." Hunter said while sitting beside Luna.

"Sorry sorry Luna, I just want to divert my mind for a bit and I knew you guys would never let me do this alone so yeah." Luke sits beside Luna too, apologizing.

"It's ok, Goliath was there to protect me so I am not that tired." Luna said calming both of them down. "Haha! Yea don't worry my boy, I am here to protect everyone." Goliath said proudly as he was the only guy standing.

"Ok let's go now, we don't have any teleporter here." Luke said poking Luna. "I know, I know, ok let's go I am fine now." She knew Luke was teasing her. Everyone started to laugh and then they went to their hideout.

After some days of training, Alisa finally got used to the daily raids of demons and sometimes angels too. Every time they are stronger than the previous ones but that doesn't stop Alisa as she getting stronger day by day too.

"Wow! You are getting stronger every day too, big sis Alisa. A boy who often comes to watch Alisa's training, praises her. "Pam! You are here today too, you bad boy." Alisa said as she didn't notice him during the fight.

"I guess you got one fan here." Blaze said. "Yes, I am a big fan of you, big sis Alisa." Pam said jumping and giving them some fruits to eat, "Here I picked these for you guys." "Thank you." Both Alisa and Blaze thank him and start to eat.

"Alisa, I already taught you every basic as Hunter asked me to. Now you just need to practice and get stronger on your own and fighting tactics can only be grown with the way you fight in real matches, that means by experiences." Blaze said after finishing his fruits.

"Thank you for the fruits, Pam. And about the training, yeah I got stronger than before but it's still nothing in front of you guys or my upcoming enemies, right?" She asked while patting Pam.

"Yes, of course, it's nothing in comparison to that. Not because you are still weak but because you haven't even started yet." He lifted his scythe and continued, "This is my gift from Hunter, 'Eternity Bane', the power that can cut even the immortal being." He explained.

"First it was heavy, too heavy to even lift it. But as I started to practice on my own, coming here always or once in a while, I started to lift it and now it's a part of me which will never leave my side." He stops after that.

"Eternity Bane, that's an amazing name with an amazing power to cut anything, woah!" Alisa was amazed and started to look at his scythe.

After a while Blaze again said something which shocked Alisa. "As your trainer and a teammate who didn't give you any welcoming gift like Hunter, here's something I made for you." Blaze says as he picks a beautiful red hairpin from his pocket and offers her.

Alisa was silenced as she never expected this from "Straight Face," a nickname given by Alisa to Blaze. "Wow! Big bro, it's beautiful. Big sis, you will look even more beautiful after wearing this!" Pam said, poking Alisa, who was lost in her own world. "Huh? Oh, yes, it's a really beautiful hairpin, Blaze. Thank you so much. I really love it!" She was speechless at the sudden surprise.

"My mom teaches me how to make these..." Blaze stopped himself from saying anything else and got up, "OK now back to training Alisa you still lack experience-" Alisa held his hands in between, "Hey Blaze, I wanna know...I wanna know what you were saying." She requested to know him.

Blaze looked the same worried expression on her which he looked in his mom's eyes when he was a kid. Suddenly he turned away. "Why? Why do you want to know?" He asked.

"To get closer to you, Blaze." She stood and came closer to him. "Trust me, Blaze, it will help you. Keeping it inside won't do any help, maybe I can't do anything in that I still can share your pain or anything you had in there." She tried to make him open in front of her and everyone.

"I wanna know, why you don't smile much in front of anyone even between your teammates. Tell me, Blaze, please share it with me." She requested.

Author's POV:-
This is it for today's chapter. Well the next chapter is of his past so...yea. I hope you enjoyed this one too. Bye Bye 👋🏻

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