What's across the river!?

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"Allie, do you see across the river? That's where your future lies... You need to go there and make a name for yourself, just like this beautiful river. Even though there's a devastated land on the other side of it, you need to remain strong and continue to shine like the river. " Alisa's mother tells her as she kisses her forehead. Little Alisa giggles and asks, "What's up there, mumma? Why is my future there? I want to stay with you forever and never leave you!" Her mother's expression changes from giggles to a slightly sad smile.




Alisa wiped away her tears as she woke up from the dream about a small conversation she had with her mother when she was a little frail girl.

"It has been eight years since you left me Mom... but I swear I will find you. That's my lifelong dream," Alisa said with a heavy heart. She continued, "I know that boy came from across the river, but my uncle and aunt lied to me about it. It's been two days since we found him, but he hasn't woken up yet. Once he wakes up, I will ask him everything and uncover the truth. Just wait for me, Mom." As Alisa murmured to herself, she suddenly heard someone arriving.

"Alisa! He woke up, come fast!" Peggie says in a hurry and then flies away. "Okay, I will be right there," says Alisa, standing up.
"Ouch! Where am I? That angel hit me really hard and .... it still hurts," said the boy, looking around and holding his head. "Hold on there young man. We have many things to discuss first," replied Uncle Jackson with a stern voice. "Wait what!?"

After a while, Alisa arrived at the location. "Uncle, where is he? I need to talk- no, I mean I need to apologize to him for hitting him, you know!" Alisa lied to meet the boy she knew he would be a bit skeptical of her if she said she wanted to talk to him. "Hmm... okay. He is inside. Go meet him," said Uncle Jackson knowingly. She ran as fast as she could, knowing that his decision might change again.

Upon her entrance, there was an awkward silence for five minutes before finally greeting each other with a simple "Hello."

"I-I am really sorry," Alisa said quickly. "I got scared when you shouted suddenly -." But before she could finish, the boy chuckled and interrupted her, "Calm down, calm down, princess. It's okay, I'm fine." He said giving a reassuring smile, he was trying to get her to relax a bit around him seeing how awkward the situation was.

"Then, I guess you're okay," she smirked, continuing, "so then tell me everything you know about yourself! Hurry, I need to know everything. What's across the sea!?" The boy became confused, thinking to himself, "This is exactly what the old couple warned me about."

He tried to change the topic, "At least tell me your name princess, isn't it rude to just ask about other's information and not give yours!?" Alisa stopped asking questions for a moment and then looked at the boy for a moment "Ehh..... Wait what!? I didn't introduce myself... oh yeah!! I really didn't!!" She bows muttering a quick sorry and starts introducing herself.

"My name is Alisa, Alisa Matiken! I'm 17 years old, and I have a goal to find out where my mom went when I was just a kid. My entire village left me when I was only 9 years old. So please, I'm begging you, please tell me everything you can, about what's across the river, and who you are. I need to know everything you can tell me..." He could easily see that she was holding back her tears that are just waiting to fall. "..."

He was amazed by the way she expressed her faith in him, even though he was a total stranger. "You don't have to plead... Alisa ... I'll share everything I know about this place and what's 'across the river', but you must promise me something as well..."

"What is it?" she asked confidently because she only needed an explanation for now. "You will not force me, to go there with me!" he said with a serious tone. But these words shocked her, and after asking him for some time to think about it, she went home.
"I am sorry, Alisa. I promised your uncle and aunt that I wouldn't tell you what happened to your village. I need to think carefully about what to say, as I know you will be very upset when you find out the truth."

Author's POV:-

Hey guys it's all for chapter 3, sorry as it is not the whole chapter I want to convey as it would have gone way too long, so I made a decision to publish one sub-chapter for that. It will convey everything about her village. But don't worry as the main chapter will come on Sunday as usual. So, next week its gonna be 2 chapters, 1 sub, and 1 main.

Enjoy Bye bye 👋🏻

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