Is she late...?

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"Wow! This is yummy!" Alisa said while eating. As both Alisa and Luke took a little break from their journey to eat.

"This is where I come every time I feel hungry and as for the scenery it makes my mood every time I feel down." Luke explains his excitement.

"You look cute when you smile like that, Luke. Hehe!" She giggles while watching Luke smiling so cutely. "Huh! Hey! Don't say stuff like that out of the blue!" Luke said blushing at the sudden compliment.

"Is she your girl, Luke?" Ask Andrew, the owner of the Crystal Bar where they went to eat. "Huh! What do you mean by that!?" Alisa asked as she was confused.

"It's nothing like that, Uncle Andre-" He was about to complete his sentence but then...


"Argh-!" A heavy blast took place inside the Bar. But in a nick of time, Luke saved Alisa and others by covering them with his 'Icy Shield' attack.

"Wh- what just happened?" Alisa got up and saw everything destroyed in front of her only Luke was standing but in bad condition and she saw everyone in the Bar covered with ice which protected them from the blast.

"Luke!!" She shouts. "Huff! Huff! You ok, Alisa?" The first thing he asked without even looking at her.

"I- I am ok, Luke. Remove this ice, I can help you!" She asks seeing a strong figure in front of Luke. "You are not strong enough right now, Alisa. So if you are ok help others. They need it more than me." He orders Alisa.

"But-" She cuts off by Luke in the middle, "I said go!" "Ok... Take care, Luke. Try not to get hurt more than this." Alisa said before reaching towards the injured people there in the Bar.

"Now, let me focus on you only as my girl is in good condition." He said clenching his fist in anger.

"You mean you can defeat me... Alone!? Hahahaha." The angel, who attacked the Crystal Bar, laughed loudly which even echoed in that place.

"As always, you angels think you are stronger than everyone. Always come alone or with a small number of soldiers." Luke teases him.

"I guess you don't know me. Haha! I am the most trusted angel under Heaven Lord's strongest men. My name is Shun." He started boasting about himself.

"Ooh! So that is what they call their next test subjects to get killed. Nice things." Luke starts to roast him which makes Shun angrier and he launches himself on Luke.

"Haah!!" Shun strikes first with his blow which makes Luke fall back with so much power that he hits the near pillar which opens up his wounds from that sudden blast and the pillar breaks.

"SEE! YOU SEE! HOW STRONG I AM!!" Shun said laughing loudly.

Luke said while coughing some blood, "This is all you got! Haha! Poor you." Luke wiped his blood and stood again stretching his arms, smirking, which made Shun more mad than he was.

"You!! You Bloody-" "Shh! This is family friendly story so no bad-mouthing." Shun was cursing him but Luke was just making him more mad.

"Now, you are done! Revolutionary!!" He said while calling for his partner, "Now you will see my true power!" A big rat came from underground.

"Oh- so this is your partner... Well, now I don't have any words... I mean a trusty man like you got a rat as a partner is like, pfft!!" He laughs in front of Shun which makes him red because of his crossed anger now.

"My partner is only my weapon. It is not included for my royalty or trustfulness." Shun said this heartlessly which Luke can see broke his partner's emotions. But looking at him, he is used to it which breaks Luke's heart.

Luke tries to use his swords but he finds out he doesn't have one because while eating in the bar he puts them aside and after the blast, now they are nowhere to be found. So he instead calls for his partner.

"Ok! Times up, now it's end for you." By this Luke summons his Partner, "Braco!!" And with the sharp wind, the white Pegasus appears all excited.

"What The Hell!! You got mythical!" Shun was shocked but he still ordered Mac to attack, "Mac! Go and tear his skin to pieces!" "Squeaks!" Mac says he got in his language and rushed towards Braco.

"Let's do it now, Braco." They both give an attacking stance.

"Are you ok, sir?" Alisa was asking and helping everyone she could. "Yeah, good stand-up. You will be ok." After letting him sit in the near chair and give him first aid, she went to others.

"I need to do this fast, then only I can help Luke. By that look, that opponent look stronger than I ever saw. I hope he is doing alright." She thought and did everything faster than before.

"Huff! Huff! How can your partner be stronger and smarter than you?" Luke and Braco get tired while fighting with Shun and Mac.

"He is not stronger but I am. He is smarter because I'm ordering him!" Shun never treats his partner like his part that's what Luke understood but still, they are strong together.

"Braco, you ok partner?" He asked, "Neigh!!" He sounds as if he can still help him. "That's my partner. I'm sorry I am not enough right now but let's defeat them together, buddy." Luke pats Braco's back.

"What a touching moment you humans do with these weaklings. Hahaha!" Shun doesn't know he is hurting Mac every time saying these things.

"Mac! Scatter again!!" Mac starts to scatter into multiple small rats and attacks Braco and Luke again. "Braco, fly!! 'Ice Nova!' " The time he uses this name attack a burst of ice energy expands and causes his atmosphere to cold.

"What! Mac! Go inside the ground and attack from there!" He shouts. "But then who do you think will protect you? Haah!!" The time Mac went inside the ground Luke jumped and punched Shun hard on his face.

But after Luke punches Shun, he bleeds but grabs Luke's hand, "Wha-!" He didn't even get time to react to that, "Now you are done for, revolutionary!" He blasts a beam that hits directly.

"Argh-!" Luke is pushed back by the blasts which made him cough too much blood. "Huff! Huff! I can't stop coughing! Danm it!!" He starts punching the ground.

"Hahaha!!" Shun wipes his bloody mouth, "You are brave to hit me, but my endurance is far more better than you can imagine! Haha!" Shun shows his full power which makes Luke clench his fist.

"My work is already done by saving everyone in The Crystal Bar, so I don't have any reason to accept the defeat. So don't worry even if I get hit or bleed, I can still beat you to pulp!" Luke stands and shouts punching his chest.

"You! You piece of shit!! I will end your life right here and right now!!" Shun starts to gather his energy at one point.

"I told you not to badmouthing, right?" Luke tried to stand still but again got on his knees because of weakness.

"YOU FINISHED!!" Shun blasts his energy. And with a big blast, the whole place shattered...

"Luke!!" Alisa reached and shouted there but...was she late?

Author's POV:-
So hey guys this is it for now. I published sooner today as you know I made you all wait for 2 weeks but I hope it's worth it. My exams have still not started yet but I need time to study, then writing, then other things so yeah... Sorry. Ok, never mind this sorry part lol. I hope you enjoyed it. Bye Bye 👋🏻

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