Mission cleared!!

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Alisa was afraid as it was her first time witnessing a battle. "Are you all going to be okay, Luke?" asked Alisa, worriedly. "Don't worry, Alisa. Goliath and I are always there to protect them," Luna answered with a warm and confident smile.

"Blaze, we need to get ready to go," Hunter said as he handed Blaze his scythe. Blaze caught the scythe and walked towards their team members, flipping his hair. "Why are we bringing her with us? Can she handle them alone like we can?"

Alisa made a sad face for not being strong enough to help, but Goliath assured Blaze that he would protect her as Luke wanted her to witness their fight.

After some time they reached the place where angels were attacking the innocent people.

"Hahaha! You piece of junk are just a waste for this world," one of the angel's soldiers said. "Let's just finish them. I don't want to send them to the wasteland like we did for others."

"Ice Lance!!" Luke shouted as he shot some ice spears towards the angels. "Aah!" "What was that!?" Everyone became restless after the sudden attack. "Raging blast!" Goliath made his move too, which caused vibrations in the surroundings. "Aah! Look, the revolutionaries are here!"

And within no time the revolutionaries give their entry with a 'swish' sound, "We are not the ordinary revolutionaries, we are the Radiant Guardians!" Hunter says smirking as they all make a posing entry.

As they are all about to start their fight Alisa is very amazed and hurt that she can't do anything right now. "Luna! We will handle these soldiers you focus on protecting Alisa." Goliath shouted between his attacks "Reflective aura!" He uses this attack to reflect the enemy's attacks on themselves. "Damn! They are so annoying." One of the soldiers said while getting attacked back from the reflective aura. "Haah!" Blaze swings his scythe cutting everything coming closer "Goliath is right we don't even need a naming attack for them."

"Alisa, stay beside me, okay? I will protect you," Luna said while standing alert. Alisa replied in a timid voice, "Ye-yeah." Luna attacked the enemies approaching them with a "Windy gust!" Then, she turned to Alisa and said, "Don't be sad. Even I am not as strong as them. Being a revolutionary doesn't only mean having power, but also protecting what's right." After hearing Luna's words, Alisa finally calmed down. "I will try my best too from now on," she said with newfound confidence.

"Haah!" Someone hit Alisa in the back. She groaned in pain and got on her knees. "Alisa!!" Luna screamed, concerned. "Hahaha! You weak girls, what did you think? You were going to beat us!? Hahaha." "Argh! That was hard. Damn! But I don't know why it doesn't hurt much," Alisa said while wiping dust off of herself. "What!?" "But how!?" the soldiers got confused.

"Growls!" "Chirp!" "What the hell is going on?" Every pet suddenly becomes angry and starts attacking their masters. "Why are their pets attacking them?" Shadow asks. "I don't know, I've never seen pets attack their masters like this before," Blaze responds, confused.

But Luke was the only person who had a clue about what was happening because Jackson told everything about Alisa to him. So he just smirks and blows a whistle 'tweeeet' and after a sec everyone sees a Pegasus. "What the hell! This guy has a mythical partner!?" The enemies got scared after seeing the Pegasus. "Neigh!" "Combination attack! Icy gust!!" "Neigh!!" Luke said as Pegasus started flapping his wings faster, a powerful wind with icy spears began to generate and attack every enemy.

After some time, Luke and his team finally defeated every angel who had come to hunt innocent people. "Man, this was easier than usual," said Luke. "Yeah, probably because gentleman Luke wanted to impress someone," Hunter teases him. "The fight got easier because of that sudden thing," said Shadow, with a thoughtful expression. "Exactly, what was that? I mean, I never saw partners disobeying their masters," said Blaze, looking confused. Everyone starts to think for any clues when Luke comes to Alisa and starts telling them the reason.

"Alisa did that miracle." Luke told everyone. All were shocked by hearing Luke. "What are you saying, Luke? Is that even possible?" Goliath asked on behalf of everyone. "I mean partners and their masters have stronger bonds than anything how can someone weaken it!?" Everyone's eyes turn towards Alisa. "I... don't know anything..." Alisa was confused because in her pov she is powerless as her mom was powerless too.

"You have the power to weaken the bond of master and their partners." Luke announced Alisa's power to everyone. Everyone was stunned. "If you guys have doubt summon all your partners here" Luke said confidently. "Wait wait let's just go home first." Hunter says while sighing. "Oh yeah, I forgot that we were here to save someone's life." Luke said laughing awkwardly.

"Thank you so much for saving us, miss..." Said one villager. "Luna, and don't worry it's our responsibility to save who needs it." Luna was the only member who was talking to villagers. "By the way any injured person here? I am a healer so lemme know if you guys have any." She requested. "Yeah some of us are but it's ok you guys need it more than us as you guys fight for us." Another villager said. "Don't worry about them they are monsters so they aren't injured." Luna explains in teasy was looking at the group.

"Oh so you are already here Luna, sorry my bad these guys are like little kids even though you are the youngest." Hunter apologises and laughs at the same time. "Oh, so some injured guys. We got late this time I guess." Goliath said in a worried voice. "Don't worry Goliath, I will heal them in no time." Luna comforts him with that statement.

After some minutes Luna healed everyone, "All done right?" She asked. "Yes thank you so much revo- I mean Radiant Guardians." A villager said while everyone smiled warmly. "Let me do something." Said Hunter while enchanting something. After some time he gestured to Blaze and then Blaze attacked the nearby rock with his scythe. The rock got into pieces, and Hunter looked and shouted, "Blade of creation" The second he said that, all of the pieces started to convert into many weapons like swords, bows, hammers or knives.

"Woah!" Alisa was shocked and amazed by what she just saw including the villagers. "Here are some weapons for you guys. Use it and practice swinging it every day I swear you will able to protect yourself with this till we come." Hunter suggests everyone. "Ok guys bye bye we going back." Luke waves everyone goodbye and all of them vanish suddenly.

As they reached their place, "Shadow!! At least tell us when you gonna teleport us!! Luna shouts making a pout. "What...was...that." Alisa said and then got unconscious because of sudden teleportation.

Author's POV:-
So hey guys the chapter ends with Alisa being knocked out lol. And yeah it was a fight scene or not idk cuz it was a little fight more show-off xD. And for your information pets are their master's partner. Btw I have a question about the end of this chapter 'What do you think is the power of Jackson and Maya' xD. OK, enjoy now. Bye Bye 👋🏻

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