What's...my goal...!?

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"Hey Alisa, I want you to join us!" Luke requests to Alisa. "... ..." "Hold On!!!" Everyone was stunned after hearing the request, even Alisa was shocked. "Me! But why... I mean how...!? I don't even have any power in me to help you guys!" Alisa was shocked and confused.

"Luke, we understand that Alisa is now your responsibility since she saved you that time, but you need to remember that being a revolutionary is not an easy path," Luna exclaimed. Goliath added, "Luke, my boy, you should not put her in harm's way. Let her stay here, and we will protect her. It would be a bad idea to let her join us." Despite their concerns, Luke kept staring at Alisa, hoping she would accept. After some contemplation, a person with styled hair walked up to them and took hold of both Alisa and Luke's hands.

"Got it, Alisa babe is in!" Hunter said. Both Luke and Alisa were shocked including others too. "Huh!!" "But...!" Everyone got cut off by Hunter, "It's the first time our Luke asked something, how can we say no, right Luke!?" He winks at Luke and Luke hugs him in return to say thanks. Luke was really happy. Everyone took a long sigh and then agreed. "Now we can't say no, congratulations Alisa you in!" Goliath and Luna congratulate her while Blaze is sleeping with the novel on his face.

"Congratulations, Alisa. From now on, you will be a member of The Radiant Guardians," Luke said with a warm and relaxed smile. After hearing some chatter between the members, Blaze woke up and walked towards her. Alisa looked at the handsome and tall guy and was surprised. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" she asked, a little worried. "Congratulations, Alisa." he said before walking outside. Luke couldn't help but feel jealous seeing Alisa blushing with that compliment.

"Alis-," he was about to say something to her when Goliath interrupted him, asking, "So, what's your goal, Alisa?" Alisa was taken aback by the question, but before she could respond, Luna stepped forward and shared their dreams with her.

"Alisa, let me share our dreams with you. My dream is to save the lives of every person in need, even if they are corrupted. Humans cannot regenerate like demons and angels, so I cannot bear to lose anyone again who is loved by someone in their life," Luna said.

Alisa was amazed and confused, but she couldn't say anything. "Blaze, on the other hand, hates demons more than anything, so maybe his dream is to kill them all," Luna continued.

As Alisa began to think about what happened in Blaze's past and why he hated demons so much, Luna spoke again. "Hunter just wants to save this world. That's why he has been opposing them for three generations."

Alisa began to think about how Hunter survived these years against those powerful people when Luke interrupted her thoughts. "You got it right, he is an angel," he said.

Alisa was shocked and scared. "You mean one of those who are destroying our world...?" she asked.

Hunter walked up to her and patted her hair. "Cutie, don't worry. I am already expelled from their domain," he said, smiling as if he was fine.

Alisa watched him silently, blinking her eyes continuously and thinking, "I'm not the only person in pain, I guess."

When Luna is about to talk about Goliath's dream he stops her and starts telling his own "I killed someone I loved..." Everyone was again dissatisfied because he kept blaming that on none other than himself, except Alisa who was confused "What...do you mean?"

Then Hunter starts to explain "Someone, whom Goliath loved from the bottom of his heart got killed by angels and because he couldn't save her he thinks he killed her." Then Luke continues "That's why he joined us to protect everyone just like Luna wants." Alisa was stunned she thought that everyone standing there lost someone in their life but are still calm and focused on not repeating it and here she just wanted to kill the person, who wiped out her whole village including her mom, even though she is so weak.

"I am wondering if you have any goals in mind, cutie?" Hunter asked Alisa and she started to ponder, as it would be so lame to talk about the goal she came here for. Just as she was lost in thought, Luke appeared behind her and started to pat her. "Don't worry, we don't need to have any specific goals to join this group. Even I don't have any specific goals, I just want to help people who can't help themselves." While Alisa was still thinking, a man dressed in black suddenly appeared in front of her.

Alisa got shocked so taken aback and fell into Luke's arms.

"Who are u?" A deep voice startled her. "Shadow, welcome home." Luna pokes that guy from the back. "Ooh!! It's you, again makes us scared, Shadow." Goliath sighed and put his hands on Shadow's shoulder.

Alisa was confused and asked, "Is he a member of this place? And if he is, then where has he been all this time?" Shadow stared at her and asked, "I asked you first, who are you?" "Calm down guys," Luke intervened and took Alisa in his arms in a protective manner. "She's our new member, Alisa, and you can trust her," he assured Shadow. Then everyone introduced Alisa to Shadow. "Okay, I get it now. But the reason I came here is that the Angels are planning to raid another village to find some power-holders." Shadow informed them.

Everyone got serious and got ready to save that village but Alisa was confused again. Luke grabbed her hand and said while walking, "Let's show you what we are made of." He smirks while picking up his swords.

Author's POV:-
So hey guys!! This is it for this chapter. The last member of the team is here, Shadow!! XD and next gonna be my first fighting scene so I am really excited and afraid that what if you won't like it. So, please have mercy!! XD.
Enjoy Bye bye 👋🏻

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