Defence and Power

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"My man Blaze, let's take a break near this waterfall." Goliath requested as both of them were on a mission to aware every possible village about the upcoming war.

"As you wish, Goliath." Blaze accepted and removed his cloak. "As always only some words can dare to come from your mouth, Blaze. Hahaha!" Goliath said while sitting and putting his heavy weapons beside him.

"It's not like that, Goliath. It's just there was nothing for me to say in that, that's why I just agreed." Blaze tried to defend himself.

Goliath spoke up, "I want to say one thing that I consider myself like an older brother to all of you. I care about you and I want you to feel comfortable asking me for anything. I am willing to give my life for you." While he spoke, Goliath began to wash himself. Blaze couldn't help but smile at the thought of having a family where everyone loved him.

"Ok, Goliath. I will be normal from now on." He replied with a warm smile which Goliath never saw in him. "I guess sending Alisa with you helps a lot, Hunter is not a joke though. Hehe!" Goliath patted Blaze's shoulder.

"Where is our next destiny? Which village are we going to now?" Blaze asks Goliath while polishing his scythe. "Macri village, I heard that village has tall people. I mean taller than average people." Goliath answer.

"So shall we go now?" After some time sitting, Blaze got up and asked Goliath who was resting on the ground beside a tree.

"Ok fine, let's go." He yawns standing up.

After moving for some time they heard some fights going on.

"What is going on? Let's go and check, Blaze." They both ran towards it.

"Aah!! These demons are so cruel! Somebody help us!!" The first villager said. "But who will come? This village is far from crowded places!" The second villager said while crying. Everyone was running here and there from demons who were cutting whoever came into their sight.

"These are weaklings but still aren't agreeing on our proposal." Krua, a Demon General said this while eating watermelon.

"They are annoying, big brother. Just let them be killed by our soldiers." Aram, the second Demon General, was watching the villagers getting cut.

"Sir! Are we really gonna kill all of them!?" One of the soldiers asks. Krua sighed and said, "Ok fine collect them and bring them here." "Ok, sir!" He went from there.

After collecting everyone and bringing them in front of Krua and Aram, that soldier stands together with other soldiers.

"So, Macri people, rare species, we are asking for the last time, join us or get killed." Aram said while smirking by which everyone started crying there.

"Hey wait up, Aram. Let me talk to them. Listen our Macri people, we are not bad people we just want to make this world on equality by killing those angels. That's why we are collecting strong people towards us. So, the thing is, you guys have different types of genes than the average humans, that's why we want you and if you deny we have to cut you. I am sorry for this many casualties, only if you would have agreed." Krua explains everything calmly.

"But I don't wanna help you gu-" One villager wants to deny it but got vanishes in the blink of an eye. "Wha-" everyone begins to shout but a sudden pressure makes them quit.

"I am in patience doesn't mean you will get overboard. And Aram, you didn't need to kill that guy, we already lost many of them." Krua said facepalming. "Sorry bro it's just I don't like it if someone disturbs you." Aram said.

"Aww! That's so sweet of you, Aram." Krua starts moving towards villagers, "Last chance you all got to accept otherwise my possessive brother gonna kill you all like that person." He said laughing but suddenly two entities came with a quiet entry but Krua and Aram sensed the pressure from one of them which made them shocked or scared for some time.

"Cover them, Blaze." Goliath said while drawing his shield.

"Someone here!" "Finally someone is here!!" "We are saved!!" Villagers were happy and crying at the same time but both of the bosses were focused on the red-haired boy.

"Who are you!? Are you guys revolutionaries who are famous nowadays?" Krua asks them being all serious. "Yes, yes we are!" Goliath answers.

"What are your names?" Aram asks. "My name is Blaze and he is Goliath." Blaze answered. Goliath added more in that, "And we are here to save these people."

"Let me take them, bro!" Aram was about to charge but got stopped by Krua, "Go and take the big one. I will take that little one." He said.

"Argh! You always take the strong one, brother!" Aram said in an angry tone and went in front of Goliath.

"Till we end them, take good care of Macri's people." Krua orders his soldiers. "Yes sir!" They all answered together.

"Blaze, be careful and don't hold back on them!" Goliath gets ready to fight and warns Blaze.

"Don't worry, big bro Goliath. Take care of yourself." Blaze answered in such a tone that made Goliath smile happily and confidently, "I will! Let's finish it quickly, little one!" Goliath said.

"You think that! Seriously, hahaha!" Aram laughed at Goliath's confidence. "If I would be in your place, I wouldn't have dared to mock him, demon!" Blaze answered on behalf of Goliath which made Goliath laugh, "It's ok, Blaze. I will show him that myself!"

And finally, the solo battle starts between the perfect Defence and Power duo and the two strong Demon General brothers.

Author's POV:-
So yea guys this is it. I made it smaller than others because it would be longer if I added some of the fighting scenes too. I don't have much to write in this just tell me how you liked this chapter and Blaze's character development. I hope you enjoyed this.
Bye Bye 👋🏻

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