Power of bond!

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"Alisa!!" Alisa heard someone calling out to her before waking up. "Lu... Luna," she responded groggily. "Finally, you woke up, thank god!" Luna exclaimed in relief. "I'm sorry, but that was sudden for me, that's why I fainted," Alisa apologized with a slight laugh. "It's okay, don't worry. We are used to it now, that's why we are completely fine," Luna said, pouting a little.

"Where is everyone though-" Alisa was interrupted by Luna. "Oh yeah, everyone. They were waiting for you to wake up." Alisa became confused as she had forgotten the conversation the team had before she fainted. "Everyone! Alisa is awake now!" Luna yelled to gather everyone and all gathered in a single call as if they were waiting for it.

"Alisa you ok na!?" Luke asks worriedly. "Yeah, it was just too sudden that's why." Alisa gives a warm smile and then Luke sighs. "So now about the power of Alisa." Says Shadow. Then Alisa remembered why they were waiting for her.

"Summon your partners, everyone." Luke order. Everyone shouts out together "I summon thee!!" They pressed their bracelets which were similar for all and then in a few minutes, everyone's partners arrived in front of them. A wolf, dog, elephant, chameleon, and butterfly stand in front of their respective masters Blaze, Hunter, Goliath, Shadow and Luna respectively and ofc Pegasus who was standing beside Luke this whole time.

"Wow! Did you guys just summon them with your bracelets?" exclaimed Alisa in amazement. "Yes, I made these bracelets for everyone so that the summoning process would be faster," replied Hunter proudly. "That's really cool," said Alisa. "So, what's now, Luke?" Shadow asked.

"First, Alisa don't you wanna meet their partners?" Asked Luke. "Yes! I want!" Alisa jumped from the couch. "Haha!" Everyone laughed out loud. "Ok ok fine Alisa, let us introduce you." Luna said cheerfully. They all went outside.

"This is Aurora, my cute little partner." Luna said while patting her butterfly. "This is obviously not little as she is about your height but yes she is cute!!!" Alisa said while awing Aurora.

"This is Tusk, my steady partner." Goliath said proudly looking at his elephant. "He looks really strong and cool Goliath." Alisa said amazed.

"This is my cool friend, Bolt-" "Woof woof!" While Hunter was introducing his dog jumped on Alisa. "Hahaha, you are so cute Bolt." Alisa laughs while patting him. After seeing him getting loved by Alisa, Blaze's wolf also jumps on her. "I guess he likes her too." Goliath said. "Now I am getting jealous." Luke said while pouting but enjoying the scene.

"My Ragnar is not someone who wants to get caressed by any strangers, so I guess I got Luke's point about her power." Blaze said while folding his arms. "You mean her powers are something including partners?" Shadow asks amazed without noticing because it's the first time he heard of anything like that even if he knows approximately every power.

"Exactly, that's what I wanted to tell you guys," said Luke. "She can manipulate partners whenever she wants, even unconsciously."

Blaze got angry and asked, "You mean me and Ragnar aren't bonded enough?"

Luke facepalmed and replied, "Of course not Blaze, that's not what I meant. Bond's weakness is only a concern when she is able to turn their partner against them. If the bond is weak, the partners can even attack their masters."

"My my, that's a cruel power in the world where having a partner means having 2x power and if she can manipulate partners then it's like decreasing their powers to half." Hunter said praisingly and with a little concern.

"Exactly so having Alisa in our team is like a big win for us!" Said Luke confidently. "Only if she will." Hunter thought to himself. "I will see she will stay with us, Mr. Hunter." Shadow understood what Hunter was thinking.

After hearing all about her powers from Luke, Alisa starts to think about her whole life and that she has been doing this with every animal in her hometown since starting but unconsciously. "How do you know this much about it, Luke?" Alisa asked while patting Bolt and Ragnar. "Uncle Jackson told me, well it was just a hunch for him but after the last fight we had just now it's proven." Luke said excitedly.

"Hiss!" "Hmm? Ok got it," Shadow talked to someone then turned to Hunter, "Need to go now, Mr Hunter." "OK, Shadow take care Bye." Hunter permitted Shadow to go and he went in a flash.

"Aand he went." Luke said while laughing. "Why does he always go without telling us anything." Luna said while hiding her pout. Everyone starts to laugh seeing her like that. "He has been like that since he joined us like he doesn't want to get close to us or something." Blaze said while thinking about Shadow in the past.

"Let's send our partners now, they need rest before we don't know when we need them the most." Hunter said while coming closer to Bolt. "OK." Everyone said in unison. And then they again pressed the bracelet to send them back this time.

"I have a question, Mr Hunter." Alisa said copying Shadow. "Oh cutie, you don't need to say that, he just respects me so much even though I said no to it many times. But anyways what do you wanna ask?" He asked politely. "Who was Shadow talking to and where was his partner? I mean I didn't see him or her but I know he summoned it." Alisa asked quickly. "Ooh- "At the time Hunter was about to answer Luna said it all, "Yes he summoned it and it is 'her' and she is a chameleon named Whisper and he was talking to her only as she has power to invisible you know chameleons right getting to the surroundings." She said it all in one go.

"Woah! Only if Shadow knew he has a fan in this group." Luke said then everyone laughed again.

Alisa was amazed but then suddenly she got focused and said something that shocked everyone, "Please everyone, teach me how to fight, I don't like to get protected by anyone so I want to learn how to fight. Please train me!"

Author's POV:-
Yo guys this is the end of chapter 10 ig. Please comment and tell me how it was I mean the partner's meeting and about Alisa's power and everything. So this is everything for this week thank you for your support. Enjoy Bye Bye 👋🏻

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