I won't be burden anymore!

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"Please everyone I request you guys to train me so that I can fight with you all." Alisa requested with puppy eyes. "Oof no Alisa don't make that face," Luke said teasingly, "OK fine I will train you if you force." He said proudly but Hunter denied it.

"No Luke, you are not a good choice to train her for now," Hunter continued while looking at Alisa, if you really wanna get trained then it's ok we won't say no to that. But as you don't have any specific power that can be helped in physical battles, you need to learn normal combats first."

"Yea even if it's that, why am I not the good choice, Hunter? I mean I am the best martial arts person here so what's the problem." Luke asks angrily and confused.

"Because even though you are best you still use some of your powers in it to make it stronger, unlike Blaze." Hunter said pointing towards Blaze who was just listening but then suddenly got shocked.

"Me!? Why include me?" He is somewhat introverted and just distant from women so that's why he is more shocked than he should.

"Yes you, Blaze. In my opinion, you are the best choice to train her if it's about normal combat." Hunter said while smiling. "B-Blaze, you don't wanna teach me?" Alisa asked, worried. Blaze sighed then said, "Any reason why I should be saying yes, Hunter?" He asked.

"Yes, there is. You guys don't know about each other and as you are not a woman person I mean not talking or fighting any woman for some reason, she can help you with that. Basically, I want you to open in front of us so an extrovert like her can make you, you know."

Blaze starts to look in Alisa's direction and sighs, "Beware I am a strict person." He said that which made Alisa happy and she started to jump, "Thank you so much, Blaze! And thank you so much to you too Hunter!" She got really happy and fired up.

"I guess you are right in this choice Hunter. Only Blaze can train her better than anyone and even faster than anyone." Luke said while watching Alisa too excited.

"Ok so it's clear, Blaze will train Alisa for her upcoming battles. So till then only four of us have to fight." He announced to everyone, where Goliath was just cleaning his shield and Luna was watching Goliath doing that because she was bored but suddenly both stood up.

"Ooh! I can see Alisa girl will get stronger than before soon." Goliath said while coming towards Blaze and starting to pat his shoulder. "Wait wait wait, aren't we still five people even after them." Luna asked this first, only because she was hearing all the conversations too.

"Yeah, but Shadow is our secret weapon type so as you know he doesn't fight na, Luna." Luke said while smirking. "Yaah! Why are you smirking I just ask out of curiosity." She shouts at Luke.

"Okay, so now let me make something for you as a welcoming gift, cutie," Hunter said while reaching into his pocket. He then got into position and exclaimed, "Blade of creation!" After a few moments, a fine sword got created in front of everyone.

"This Sword is made of one of the finest metals in this world. It is sharp, strong and yet light so you can grab it without any worries," Hunter explains about the sword while giving it to Alisa, "Its name is 'Ethereal Edge'." The time Alisa touched the Ethereal Edge it's like she already got its power, "Is it mine?" Alisa asked as she was really amazed. "Yes, it's yours cutie, from me." Hunter said smiling warmly.

"Did you feel anything, Alisa?" Luke asks. "Yes, it's like it gave me some powers or something." Alisa says looking at herself and the sword.

"That's because of my 'creation' magic. Whenever I use my creation magic to create something and name it, that thing will get a small amount of my power proportional to the amount I invested in creating it," Hunter explains. "After the specific person I had in mind when creating that thing first touches it, my power becomes a part of them."

"So I can create things too!?" Alisa asked, shocked. "Haha! No of course not. Let's put it as... yeah the word energy, my energy got transferred, now it's understandable?" Hunter tried to simplify it. "Ok, I got what you wanna say so don't worry now." Alisa said giving the not to worry face.

"You don't even know how to hold the sword, right Alisa?" Blaze asks getting all the attention. Alisa who grabbed the sword in the wrong way jumped shockingly. "What!? Oh sorry, I didn't mean to. But how to hold it then...?" She gets confused and starts to stare at her sword.

"Do it like this." Blaze did it for her. "Ooh now I got it," she begins to swing it everywhere. "Hey! Stop it! You will hurt someone!" Blaze shouts at her then she starts laughing naughtily. "Seriously, this gonna be the toughest thing I will ever do." Blaze said his last words before going out, "Hey! Where are you going without taking me!" Alisa screamed funnily, she knew he was frustrated. "Just follow me, Alisa." He said and then both of them went from the place leaving everyone in laughter except Luke who was just watching them go from there.

"Ok guys now let's just continue whatever we do usually, I mean to hunt some creatures." Hunter said and everyone started to get ready.

"So, you gonna train me everything you know?" Alisa asked while she and Blaze were still walking. "Yeah, that's what Hunter wants and I can't say no to him as I respect him." Blaze says with a straight face.

"I really need to learn about everyone there too so that I will be more help." Alisa mumbled to herself. "I can tell you about everyone but first you need to win my trust too." Blaze said looking at Alisa and then both of them stopped.

"Your trust?" She got nervous. "By the way we reached the place where you gonna get trained by me." Blaze said sitting on a small rock and starting to drink water. "Here." He gave some to Alisa too. "Thank you." She said, catching the bottle.

"So from when you wanna start?" Blaze asked while she was drinking, "Let's start as I am in all good state." She replied putting the bottle aside and tightening her dress up.

And then he begins to train her, everything he knows himself.

Author's POV:-
So hey guys she went to train, my question is whether I show the training scene or the team scenes, fighting monsters... Comment me and tell me what to do and I will do it!! Ok, so it was all in this chapter, hope you enjoyed it. Bye Bye 👋🏻

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