I will protect you

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After leaving Hunter behind, Shadow and Luna went on their own mission.

"What are you doing, Shadow?" Luna asks as Shadow is picking some fruits from the nearby tree.

"Just stay there, I am picking something to eat." After picking some oranges he comes back.

"Here, these are well prepared so dig in." He gives better ones to Luna.

"Hehe!" Luna starts giggling. "What happened?" Shadow doesn't talk much but he can't let Luna like that so he is trying his best not to be a boring guy.

"I guess you don't know that I love Oranges. But you still gave it to me, is a really great coincidence, no?" She said it funnily so that Shadow won't feel uncomfortable.

"Oh! Maybe this place wants me to know that. That's why oranges one was close to us." Shadow said straight forward but didn't realise that he made Luna blush unintentionally.

"You really are funny, Shadow." She tried to change the topic, "So, where are we gonna find Hunter's friend?"

"Well, I asked many people but still not much information. And the thing I get is not that of help." Shadow said wiping his hands with his handkerchief and giving Luna his cloak to wipe, which at first Luna said no but then did because Shadow told her to.

"So, shall we move forward now?" He asked.

"Yea, whenever you are ready." She answered.

They both stand up and start to move slowly slowly.

"Shadow!!" Luna shouts even though he is just beside him. "Huh? What happened?" He asked politely but worriedly.

"It's nothing... Never mind, sorry." She said, disappointed. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked, stopping in front of her.

For some time, Shadow stared at Luna and Luna blushed at that. But a moment later, Shadow saw an entity behind Luna, ready to attack.

"Get down!!" Shadow shouts and they both fall to the ground but are saved by that attack.

"Yo- you are ok, Shadow?" Luna asks. "Yeah I am good don't worry about me, take care of yourself. Get back lemme take him." He said siding Luna, "He is a ranged type so it may be easy for me-" But the enemy was already behind him and stabbed his knife in Shadow's back.

"Huh!!?" Shadow's blood was splashed on Luna's face. She saw Shadow in that state, made her tears came to her eyes. "Sha- Shadow...?" She touches Shadow's face which was shocked and in pain by that sudden attack.

"Luna... Go and hide... I can still fight... Don't worry about m-" Shadow couldn't finish his words when he felt a powerful presence which made him like refreshed ever than before.

"It's the first time you say my name... I can't even show my happiness here because of that demon. So, lemme help you defeat him. Then we can go and find Hunter's friend together, ok?" Luna said crying happily, but her words made Shadow shocked.

"Aurora, let's give it our all to protect Shadow." Luna talks to a big butterfly who helped heal Shadow.

Shadow and Luna both stand together to fight the enemy, who is sitting like he is enjoying the scene. "Only if I brought some popcorn with me." He said.

"But damn, this girl's partner is amazing. Like healed him as he regenerated." He praised Aurora.

"Who are you!?" Luna asks. "Ooh ok, my bad not giving a proper introduction. My name is Flint, I'm a demon, was just finding someone but saw you two here so thought I should... Kill you both!!!! Hahahah!!!" Flint acts like a psycho.

"Who are you finding here?" Shadow asked because he thought what if this demon came to find the same person.

"Ooh! Me? I heard there is someone strong, even though he is an old man. So I thought I should kill him too and become stronger than...Him! Haha!!" Flint was talking like a fighting creep.

"Then maybe he is..." "Yes, I think that's the same person we are here to find, Luna." Now Shadow is taking Luna's name every time he talks to her after knowing she felt sad by not doing that.

"Ooh! Then I guess we were meant to fight each other till the death of one side, then only one can get to that old man and fight him! Now that's interesting! Like I am a demon, so have much power and defence and regeneration. On the other hand, you guys have strong healing power and... Oh sorry, I guess healing is everything you guys got there! Haha!!" Flint mocked them.

"Luna, protect yourself fir-" Shadow got cut off by Luna, "I know what you gonna say but I won't listen. We are a team sent by Hunter, at least let me help you, protect you, heal you for that particular reason." Luna scolds Shadow.

And for the first time, Luna saw Shadow smiling, which made her shocked and a little blush came in her cheeks.

"Then it's deal. You protect me and I will protect you!" He said and then both of them smiled at each other before launching themselves towards Flint.

"Come and get killed by me!! You little pests!!" Flint said getting all ready for both of them.

Author's POV:-
So hey guys I needed to end it quickly as the fight is just gonna start but don't worry next is gonna be longer than average so yea sorry for this. Well I am not a romance writer so it's hard to show their bonds but I will try my best to give you many good ships xD. OK, so I hope you will enjoy this. Bye Bye 👋🏻

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