History of The Bruised World!!

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"I promise that I won't force you to take me there with you," said Alisa a day after the boy's request.

"I am glad to hear that," the boy said with a long sigh and then started the story. "Now, let me begin."

"Hi, my name is Luke Ashley and yeah, I am from the other side of the river. I'm going to tell you everything from the beginning, and I would appreciate it if you could stay quiet until I'm finished but if you have any questions, feel free to ask," he requested calmly. Alisa nodded in agreement.

( A.N:- so let's start!! )

"The history of this Bruised World is said to be ... a pleasant one; there were no fights, no revenge, no tortures, and no fears. Only love existed among everyone living there, as they were like family to each other."

"But," his voice got lower as if he was in pain, but he continued, "in the realm of the gods, there was an opposite environment compared to our world. There were always fights, acts of cruelty towards one another, destruction, and more."

"There are two types of entities in that realm - Angels and Demons. However, there is a superior entity above them, called God, who created them both. This entity is like their father and the reason for their creation was to maintain balance between good and evil in the worlds which he created."

"They began to oppose each other, as good and evil cannot coexist peacefully. They fought, opposed, and killed each other to determine who was superior. In doing so, they destroyed numerous worlds created by a superior being, prompting God to intervene. However, the angels and demons, both desiring to be the supreme power, decided to unite and overthrow God's rule."

"So yeah, they killed...the God... together!" Alisa was shocked by that statement Luke made, "Wh-what!?" was all she could say still in disbelief. " Yea you heard correctly, they killed the Almighty God together."

"Everything changed after the incident. They even destroyed his palace," said Luke. "So does that mean no one can stop them?" Alisa asked, sounding worried. "Some say that even though they burned his place, there were some weapons or relics of God left undamaged, which they didn't know about," Luke replied. "But who can save every world by going against them?" Alisa murmured, her tone still filled with worry.

"Both of them went to different worlds in search of more power for them to overcome each other, in the process many get destroyed or corrupted by evilness."

"Let's get back to our world, which I mentioned was peaceful... until it was attacked by demons." "What!?" Alisa exclaimed, feeling both shocked and scared. "Yes, it was about 500 years ago when those demons arrived and began to change everything."

"Firstly, demons provide some of their powers to weak individuals who agree to surrender to them immediately. They then corrupt these individuals with their power and make them kill those who stand against them. However, as the world became more corrupt, Angels arrived and begin to distribute their powers to others, enabling them to resist the demons and their subordinates." Alisa, who was now sobbing, asked, "Does this mean that our world has also become destructive?"

"Yes Alisa, it was and it still is..." Luke said in a lower voice. "The powers, corruptions, and the rule begin to spread more and more in our world, even after 500 years, which is the present time. 90% of living beings are made or possessed by their powers." "Wai-!" As Alisa was about to ask a question, Luke cut in halfway and requested "Please don't ask anything now. Just listen carefully and calmly, ok?" He said as he knew what she was going to ask him. "Ok, fine I won't." She said while pouting.

He sighed and continued "The more power a person has, the more valuable he will be to the lords. The weak or powerless people will be killed or thrown just like waste in the wastelands they created... the other side of the river." He said while looking at Alisa.

"What happened!? Why do you stop and look at me? Wait - ... U mean...we are in..." She looked shocked and then looked out at the window watching her Aunt and Uncle talking about something and smiling at each other while continuing their work. "Yes, Alisa, you all are in one of the wastelands of this world..."

Author's POV:-
Soo, hey guys this is your subchapter, more of just a history chapter xD. And don't worry I will publish the next chapter on Sunday as usual. As this is my 4th chapter, I want you guys to ignore my faults as it is all from my mind so it may have some problems. Sorry and thank you for this many views, I will try to continue making more if this story gets hit xD.
Bye bye 👋🏻

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