'The Prodigy'

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"Is this place good or do you need to go further, boy?" Krua asked Blaze who was stopped and feeling something while his eyes closed.

"This is the perfect place. We can start here." Blaze said, taking out his scythe, "My Eternity's Bane eager to taste your blood, demon." Blaze said calmly.

"Hmph!" Krua revealed his weapon too, "Even my blades are eager to eat you!" He said, launching himself like a hungry beast.

"Let's see then who will destroy whom first." Blaze said blocking Krua's attack.

"Then it will be quick!" Then suddenly Krua vanished when coming towards Blaze, "Camouflage!"

Blaze got shocked and alerted himself in a defensive way. Then suddenly he got hit by invisible attacks from Krua's blades.

"Ahahaha! You can't defend yourself if you can't see the attacks!" Krua attacks Blaze many times but Blaze can't defend himself.

"Now what will you do, little boy? Will you run from here or will beg me to stop this?" Krua keeps provoking Blaze.

"You think you can win by these cheap tricks!?" Blaze finally learned the pattern of Krua's blades and blocked his attacks after getting wounded many times.

"So you finally figured it out. I am impressed, you really are worthy to fight me after all." Krua finally shows himself up.

"But aren't you already wounded much now? You can still fight?" Krua asked politely.

"I guess you really wanna get killed that's why being so good at your end." Blaze said, making an attacking stance.

"Nah-uh! I talk normally to those, who are strong otherwise I would have killed you already." Krua smirks.

They both clashed with each other and after fighting with blades and scythe for like 30 minutes without breaking a sweat, they both stepped back together.

"You can keep up with me in one-to-one, now that's praisable for a human kid like you." Krua got excited about fighting against Blaze.

"Just get serious already. I don't have time for you. We need to get back after completing our mission." Blaze starts to charge himself.

"Ooh- so you are sure that your partner can win against Aram who is just a bit weaker than me!? That's a lot of belief you have in him." Krua puts his blades back.

"And I know he will prove it." Blaze put his scythe back too.

"COME FORTH!! ~RAGNAR~ ~PECK~ !!" Both summoned their partners together.

"Howl!!" "Chirp!!" Both Ragnar and Peck appeared hearing their master's call.

Peck, Krua's partner, is a woodpecker.

"Oh, nice! Your wolf looks really strong, boy." Krua said while Blaze pat Ragnar, who increased his size.

"Go, Peck! Tear their skin like a wood!" Krua orders Peck. "Chirp!" Peck went straight to attack Ragnar and Blaze.

"Ragnar! Sharp claws!" Blaze orders Ragnar. "Howl!!" Ragnar launches himself on Peck.

The time they were about to attack each other Blaze and Krua both sensed some aura.

"Haha!! You sensed it too right!? He is dead!!" Krua laughed at what they sensed.

"What is it? What happened to Goliath!? Why I can't sense him now!?" Blaze starts thinking and getting stressed and sad but then... Suddenly feels some stronger and familiar presence from the same place where Aram and Goliath were fighting, Blaze smirks, "It's not over yet! He will fight and win! He is far stronger than that, Krua!"

Krua sensed the same presence and got scared with that, "We will see about that." Saying that they both started to fight at their full power again.

"Haha! I won. I told Krua I can defeat him easily so I needed the little one, but he needed the strong one. Whatever, now I can watch their fight so let's go-" Aram was cracking his bones to move after regenerating from some wounds... But he presence something scary.

"Wha-" He couldn't even finish his words and got a heavy punch directly on his face which made him fall far from there.

"Argh! How... How can he still move after that!?" Aram saw half-dead Goliath standing where his blood still coming out of him.

"But you are just a human!?" He questioned while regenerating. "Huff! Huff!" Goliath kept coming towards Aram.

"Come forth! Tusk!" Goliath summoned his partner, Tusk. "Huh! Now two of them! I should summon mine too. Come forth! Mike!"

Mike, Aram's partner, an ostrich.

Both Mike and Tusk make, "Growl!" Sound looking at each other.

In the middle of their fight, they both stopped again. "You guys are not ordinary humans, are you!?" Krua asked as Blaze was keeping up with Krua without any problem and the other side Goliath stood even after getting so many direct hits.

"Yes, we are human. Goliath finally awakened his power and now he can't be defeated by the likes of you." He smirks, being proud of his big brother Goliath.

"What about you then, are you already awakened or something!?" Krua got a little scared now, because of how overflowing power he could sense from Goliath.

"I was born with this power and strength. I don't need to awaken to defeat someone like you." Blaze talks coldly and begins to unleash his true power which makes Krua all sweaty because now he can sense Blaze has become stronger than him and has been hiding this since the beginning.

Whenever the master gains some power or they awaken themselves, the power or appearance of their partners changes, accordingly. The same thing happened with Ragnar just now, his claws and teeth and his body grows and now he is bigger than he was.

But yeah, Blaze has not awakened yet.

And on the other side, Tusk transforms from an elephant to a mammoth.

"So you are the 'Prodigy' of this generation!" Krua acknowledged Blaze's potential and power and his control over it, "I feel honoured to fight with you then, little boy. Thank you for not mocking me till now and fighting with me with all of your power." He smiles, "Then let me unleash mine!" Krua unleashed it too and now they were on the same level.

And then the fight between both sides; Full power Blaze vs Full power Krua and Awakened Goliath vs Full power Aram begins.

Author's POV:-
So hey guys this is it for this chapter. First of all thank you so much for being with me till now I mean it's 21 chapters already 🥹. I hope this chapter wasn't like rushing or something because I think it is... Well I hope you enjoyed it, take care and thank you again!!
Bye Bye 👋🏻

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