Who are you!?

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As Always, Alisa walks to her workplace with Peggie from their hometown. They engage in their usual conversations with Aunt Maya and Alisa's little friends.

"Allie, can you please bring some water for the plants? The water level is getting low." Uncle Jackson asked.

"Of course, Uncle Jackson. I will be back in an hour!" Alisa said cheerfully as she got ready to go. "Do you want to come, Peggie?" "Yes!!"

Two of them went from the garden to the nearby river. it was not that far from the village so it was an easy trip for them.

"I don't know how she can understand or talk with animals, but she is always open with them," said Jackson smiling, who was watching the girl run away.

"Wow! Alisa you always amaze me, you are fast," Peggie says praising Alisa. She smiled and said, " I *Huff*  don't know *huff*  either, how fast I am, but thanks, Peggie."

 They finally reached their destination after some time, "We reach faster than before, right Peggie!?" "Hey! Alisa look there! someone is lying over there...  he was probably washed ashore by the river but ... he needs help!" Peggie said as she flew around the boy lying unconscious beside the river in circles.  

As she approached the boy, Alisa became scared and confused because it was her first time seeing someone other than the people who worked in the garden.

"Wh-who is he? Where did he come from? Why is he lying here?" she kept asking with fear as if he were some kind of wild creature.

"Calm down, Alisa. Maybe try sprinkling some water on him to see if he wakes up. Then you can ask him whatever you want to know," said Peggie slowly settling down on her shoulder.

Alisa followed Peggie's instructions and the boy slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Alisa, which startled him. He rubbed his eyes as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He stood up and looked at her again, unable to stop staring at how beautiful she was sitting in front of him.

"Wh-what the hell!! Who are you and where am I?" he shouts, trying not to be creeped out by her beauty while also expressing his confusion.

"Aah!" *Bonk* "EH!? Why did you hit him!?" Peggie shouted as Alisa hit the boy's head with a nearby stick. "I- I got scared! Why did he shout so loudly!? And- that's why I hit him... I'm sorry!" Alisa said clearly frightened.
At the garden, Aunt Maya asked, "It's been almost two hours since she went to the river. Why hasn't she returned yet?". Uncle Jackson tried to reassure her, saying "Don't worry, Maya. Let me go and check on her."

As Jackson was about to walk from the garden, Alisa appeared with a look of exhaustion on her face. She requested her uncle and called out, "Uncle!! I am back! Will you please help me carry this boy!?" Her uncle and aunt immediately rushed to her side to lend a hand in lifting the unconscious boy.

"Who is he, Alisa? Where did you find him? What happened!?" asked Aunt Maya with concern. After staring at the boy, she whispered, "Who are you?"

Author's POV:-
Hey there, it's chapter two! I'm excited to hear your thoughts on it, so don't be shy. Thanks for reading and I'll see you next Sunday for the next chapter.
Bye bye!!

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