I will never leave your side!

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"Hahaha!! My job is done! Now I will be promoted!" Shun laughs loudly, mockingly.

"Wait a minute, you monster!" A girl's voice came from the smoke that was coming from the blast.

"Huh! Who is there? But I attacked that revolutionary." Shun stands alert.

After the smoke went off, Mac was standing there all wounded. "Huh!? What the- How is that even possible!? You betrayed me!? You piece of shi-" Shun was angry but he couldn't finish because when Mac fell there was a girl behind standing all angry.

"Alisa...?" Luke saw Alisa standing grabbing her sword tightly.

"You broke your promise, Luke. I told you not to get hurt more than that. Now sit tight I will handle him." She gave Luke's swords to him back and breathed heavily because of anger towards Shun.

"Wait! You are not strong enough, Alisa! He is far more than you!" Luke shouts to stop her.

"You!! Another human mocking me!!" Shun gets angry, "You think beating my partner means defeating me!! I don't exist because of him, he exists because of me!" He gets angry.

"That's what I need." Alisa smirks which surprised Shun, "Why are you smirking, girl!?"

"Alisa, why did you come back? I told you... I can handle him." Luke was sad that Alisa had to protect him even though she was still a beginner and it was the second time she was saving him.

But Alisa ignored him and began to concentrate. "It's always like this... I am the only one who needs protection at the end... Doesn't matter how strong I become... Still, I can't do anything..." Luke looks at Alisa and continues, "If not anyone, I want to protect her... Why!? Why am I so worthless...?" Luke starts to think that he is of no use and the only one who needs protection and by that he starts to punch the ground.

"What you are concentrating on? Never mind let me finish you!! Haaah!!" Shun again starts to concentrate his energy on one point but Alisa still is focusing on her power.

"And you are finished!!!" By that, he threw that beam on her but in the nick of time Braco came and took Alisa with him, flying away. "Huh!? How the- partners can't help anyone till they are being told. How can he do that without that boy's order!?"

"Finally!! I did it!!" Alisa shouts while flying on Braco. Luke and Shun both were shocked but for different reasons.

"How the hell!?" Shun said. "She did it!? She did it!!" Luke was happy for her.

"Now, I will show you what partners are capable of!" Alisa said confidently.

"You trash!! You can't defeat me! How many times do I have to tell you, silly humans!!" Shun got ready to attack once again but this time he couldn't.

"Mac!! Scatter!!" Alisa shouts from the sky to which Mac reacts and scatters. "Wha- No! No!" Shun can't complete his words and Mac grabs him with his moves now Shun is widely open.

"You shouldn't do that to my friend!! Now I will end your life with my strike!!" Alisa said jumping from Braco's back.

"Noo! Noo! Please! Please leave me! Please forgive me!!" Shun starts to beg as he knows his time has come. Shun already got damaged by Braco's many ranged attacks and by Luke's last punch covered with ice. As he is not that strong, he could hurt Luke because he was injured with that sudden blast. And now it's his end.

"Braco! Lend me your power!" Alisa said to which Braco reacted by using his 'Rapid wind' which was hurting Shun from the long range.

"Argh! It hurts!! Damn it! Mac, unwrap me, you trash!!" Mac was hurting him by roughing his grip.

"This is my first name attack!! Be proud to be the one to get its first taste!! 'Whirlwind...Slash'!" By mixing her slash with Braco's 'Rapid Wind' she used 'Whirlwind Slash' by which Alisa cut Shun in half.

"...!!" Luke got shocked by that because that hit and grip of that sword were similar to that of a specialist and like she used some external power to that except for Braco's.

Finally, the cruel angel is dead and his partner Mac is free of that cursed bond.

"Alisa...?" Luke stood grabbing some strength and went to her who was with Mac and patted him.

"I am really sorry, Mac. I pushed you as a bait, but I know only you could do that because of your good defence otherwise I would throw myself." She apologized bowing her head which made Luke fell for her more seeing her so kind and generous.

"Squeaks!" Mac replied. "See, he is ok now, Alisa. And why not, you freed him from that monster." Luke put his hands on Alisa's shoulder.

"I guess you are right." She smiles a bit and then pats Mac, "Now you can go and live your life freely, Mac. Maybe one day you will get a better master." Mac replied with an eye-smile and waggling tail.

Both of them see Mac off, "I am happy for him." Luke said. "Me too." Alisa said then both of them stood but suddenly Alisa hugged Luke.

"Wha-" Luke was saying something but then stopped because he heard a sobbing sound. "You idiot! Don't you know when to get serious!" She was saying these while crying but still hugging Luke.

"I am sorry, Alisa. I thought I could handle him but after his first punch my body felt much weighted and then he didn't give me any chance to get up. I know it's my fault, I am sorry." He said patting Alisa's head.

"You were awesome there you know, Alisa. I was like - wow my hero is here - hehe." Luke tried to calm the atmosphere and then after a while standing and hugging there, Alisa let it go and signed that she is ok now.

"That's my girl! By the way, how is everyone, I mean people who were inside the Bar?" He asked.

"They all are ok. I gave them first aid from the leaves." Alisa said walking from there, "They would be gone by now."

"Wow! You know quite much about vegetation, right?" Luke praises her.

"Obviously! I was born with those old people who had every vegetation because of their power (Maya have 'water' and Jackson have 'earth').

"Yes! Yes! I know princess!" Luke teases her. "Yaaa! How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!!" By that Luke laughed and teased her more on their journey while learning too.

Not only Luke and Alisa were busy in the sudden battle, but Blaze and Goliath too were involved. Which I will tell in the next chapter!!!

Author's POV:-

So this is it for this chapter guys! Lol, I included some of my pov before my pov xD. So yeah I want to know your opinions about this and the previous chapter guys! Tell me how good or bad is my fighting scene... I know it's average but still. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Bye Bye 👋🏻

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