New friends!?

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"Let's go now, Alisa" Luke said as he was ready to walk."

It's been 1 week since the incident and since Uncle Jackson requests Luke to take Alisa with him. Aunt Maya wasn't ready to send her Alisa like that but as Uncle explained the condition and reminded her that Alisa's mother wanted her to go there one day, she agreed with a heavy heart.

"Bye-bye, Uncle Jackson and Aunt Maya. I will miss you two too much." She begins to cry and hugs both of them for the last time before going with Luke. "Remember Alisa!! As you don't know anything out there, you need to listen to Luke and Luke protect her at any cost!!" Both uncle and aunt shout for last. Alisa and Luke wave their hands in agreement.

On the way, "Hey Luke, you know how we gonna cross the river!?" She asked. Luke smirked and said, "You will see, princess." After reaching the last part of the river he whistles, "Huh! What was that for!?" She asked confusedly. And after some minutes, a 'white Pegasus' came flying at light speed. "Neigh!" The Pegasus came and hugged Luke, "Aw my baby, you missed me!" He said while patting his Pegasus. But on the other side, a girl kept staring at them like a dead, "Holy Jam!! What the hell is this creature!!?" She shouts. "Oh yeah, he is my pet or you can say my friend, Braco." He introduced Braco to her.

"Braco!! Don't tell me, we gonna ride this to the other side of the river!!" She asked curiously, "yea ofc." He climbs on Braco's back and gestures for her to come too. She hopped too like an excited kid.

As they were on the way, "Don't we have to hide while going there as you told that all of those people are cruel and corrupted...?" She asked. "Yeah, there is, but not everyone is corrupted. I have some of my friends hiding too, so we are joining them." He explains but she cuts in the middle, "Then why are we flying like no one will see us!?" She said while facepalming. Luke laughs at her cuteness, "You are too cute princess, well it's his ability, he can turn invisible with its riders, well these abilities are different for every pet and only among mythical creatures as it's an extra ability." He explained. "Woah!! There are many things I need to learn because I never saw anything besides dogs, pigs, cows, sparrows, crows and one more I saw...but forgot..." She says while pouting but excited to experience everything in the new place she is going.

And they finally reached a gloomy place. "Why we are here Luke!?" She asked while looking at the people. "As you understand it's a bit gloomy, it's a perfect place to hide too and it's a level for people, lower than the wastelands so just like your uncle and aunt hide in wastelands for needy people, we stay here." He explains while descending from Braco. "Yeah, I am still shocked that uncle and aunt both are from this part of the world."

A.N:- Sorry I didn't tell you they were part of the 'opposition of lords' group, about which I will tell you later, so they went to wastelands to help some people in there. OK, continue.

"Let's go now, Braco go and hide again and here take this." He gave him something to eat and sent him off. "But you didn't let me pat him or something!" She pouts while looking at Braco. "Next time princess, first you need to meet someone else." He smirked. They both went inside and Alisa was curious, excited but feared too as she became an introvert living in wastelands.

After a while, they got in front of the door, "You ready, Alisa?" He asked for the last time. "Yes, I guess" she tries to calm herself down a bit. Then someone opens the door and takes both of them inside quietly.

Alisa hides behind Luke as it is the first time to meet with some new people after Luke. "Hey Luke!! Thank God you are ok! We were too afraid of what would happen to you after that battle." One of his friends says while hugging him and others continue too.

After a while, they all notice a girl behind Luke, "Hey who is that girl!?" "Yeah, who is that cutie!?" All started to ask about her as walking towards her. "Wait wait wait!" Luke came in front of Alisa and stopped them from going to her. "She is the one who saved me back when I was in need." He says smiling at her, "She is my responsibility from now on guys, so welcome her." He looked at all of his friends while patting Alisa. She begins to pout while everyone laughs.

Author's POV:-
So hey guys this is all for today's chapter and many new things right xD. And the welcoming ceremony will be held on next Sunday, I mean I will introduce everyone next week. So enjoy this.
Enjoy Bye bye 👋🏻

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